Why do you believe what you believe?

Why do you believe what you believe?

I don’t hide it, I believe that Jesus is God and that the Bible is accurate and correct in all things including science, history, philosophy, psychology, and whatever else you want to discuss in it. I was NOT raised believing this and did not believe in any of it until my mid-twenties when God showed me some things that led me to Him. From that point on, through some ups and downs of running away from God and then running back too Him, I have believed the things that He continuously teaches me. I know what I believe because He has revealed things to me supernaturally, scientifically, historically, and in many other ways. I spend time studying and searching the WHY WHY WHY of everything I believe and for the most part He shows me.

So my question is why do you believe what you believe? It does not matter if we agree on the things we believe, though I would be lying if I suggested that I am not trying to proselytize in my discussion. I want all people to believe and submit themselves to Jesus Christ. I want all people to love Him and embrace His teaching. Period! He never forced me to believe in Him, so I have no right to force others to believe in Him either.

Back to my question…why do you believe what you believe? Do you believe that we as a human species are thousands of years old or millions of years old? If you believe in evolution and that we come from common simple ancestors that formed from something science can’t recreate so be it, but why do you believe that, and what does that mean to you now? Do you believe it because some professor somewhere had a convincing argument? I believe that God holds us to account for our morality and has written what that morality entails. If there is no God then morality is determined by the strong. That is how nature works in the evolutionary process… Survival of the “fittest”… There are many arguments that are brought up about the determination of morality but it always must end up at an origin. That origin is clear in Christianity and very muddy in any other form of beginnings.

Why do you believe what you believe? Maybe you claim to be a Christian now! That is great! Why are you a Christian? Is it because some pastor had a really convincing argument? “Well I said a prayer and asked Jesus in to my heart and confessed it before the congregation when I was ## years old.” or “I go to church every Sunday and most Wednesdays, I even volunteer my time on a regular basis” Those are all good things but neither of them make you a Christian. Keith Green once stated that “Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to McDonalds makes you a hamburger.” I agree with him. So are you a Christian? What does that mean and why? That confession discussed in Romans 10 stating… confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord… is a correct statement but it is a constant confession of faith and not just a onetime deal! Do you celebrate Christmas? How about Easter? Have you ever thought about why you celebrate them? “Sure, it’s the birth of Jesus and the resurrection of Jesus, everybody knows that.” Really? Have you ever sought out the origins of either of them? Do you really know what you are celebrating? Don’t tell me that it means “blah blah blah to me regardless of what its origins are.” It’s origins are pagan and fully Satanic. Easter is a mistranslation in the King James Bible over the holiday of Passover. Passover is a High Holiday and nowhere have I seen God tell us to stop celebrating it. You could very much include the resurrection of Jesus in there since He is the Passover Lamb. Christmas on the other hand, has no Christian foundation whatsoever and its traditional celebratory items are nowhere in scripture. I suggest to all you Christians, know why you believe what you believe and don’t hang your hat on the hope that your pastor, teacher, friend or that Kelly who is writing this is correct! Seek God Himself, and the scriptures for yourself, and KNOW if God endorses it.

Why do you believe what you believe? I tend to have more libertarian political views. God gives freedom so why shouldn’t we. I believe that the only perfect society would be the ONE that God Himself reigns over as King. Since the majority of the earth doesn’t actually believe in Him I think the next best is a republic with libertarian views, and of course Christian rules. This is one where the people run the government, and those working for the government are paid to serve the people. I believe that God hates murder and yet permits those who murder to make the choice to do so with consequences for their actions. I believe Jesus when He states that murder is committed in your heart as soon as you hate your brother. The death of a fetus in a womb is murder and God hates it, yet He loves not only the baby, but the mother who is following through with the abortion of its life. The penalty of sin is death, and murder is sin, but the mercy of God is greater than sin and He can and will heal the broken mother, but some consequences will always remain. I believe that homosexual relationships are sin and yet God allows people to make their choice and is willing that they come to Him for healing and help, because He loves them! There is one common issue that NO ONE has been able to clearly and satisfactorily answer for me in any political limelight, neither the Democrats, Republicans, Independants, Libertarians, or Constitutionalists and it is important considering my topic of “why do you believe what you believe?” Who, how, and by what means do we determine what is good and what is not? The motto of the libertarians is to live like you want, as long as it doesn’t harm others? I agree to an extent, but how is it determined? What is, or is not, harmful to others? There are a million stories to use here so I won’t use any…If you answer the question, you know I will ask you why?

I know people who believe that it is against their faith in God to seek medical help. I know people who believe that it is stupid to believe in a God, and the thought that another would not trust the medical profession is insane to them. I read of a man who believes that touching children in a sexual fashion is ok if the child approves and likes it. This man actually wrote a book called How to be a Pedophile and has a following of people who believe similarly. There is a man who wants to marry his German Shepard. Where do we draw the line and who determines where that line is drawn? Why is it ok in the minds of some to have a same sex spouse but evil to have multiple consenting spouses? How about less intense things like Government mandated helmet usage on a motorcycle, or Government mandated immunizations? How much force should the government use to protect us from ourselves and how much should it use to protect others from the bad elements in our population? How about medical assisted suicide or the “morning after” abortion pills? I include these questions because they all stem from belief systems. So…Why do YOU believe what you believe?



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