Random Thoughts

Here is an interesting place to be…

I have seen some pretty cool things from God, but I know that what I have seen so far really is no comparison of things yet to come.

I have learned doctrines and unlearned doctrines and am undecided on many others as I write this. I would love to say I have it all figured out but I don’t. Is there a Heaven? Is there a Hell? What is Love? What is Judgment? Is it wrong to judge or am I supposed to judge? Who are the Christians? Is the Earth Billions of years old or is it thousands of years old? Do Apostles still exist, should we speak in other tongues, is it wrong for a man to have more than one wife, does one need to go to church to meet God on His terms? These are small samples of the thousands of questions pertaining to doctrines that I have running through my head at any given moment. There are denominations that have been formed based off some of these questions. Here is the one constant…Jesus is the Way, the truth, and the Life, and NO ONE comes to the Father except through Him. I believe in Jesus!

I am a husband to Haley, and a step-father to Lexi. I am an employee to the City I live in and accountable to God first and to the people I work for whose taxes pay for my house and food and my entertainment. They count on me to help them when I can to the best of my ability and expect me to be good at my job. I like doing this most of the time, but sometimes it is not easy.

I am responsible to God, not to Haley, to be a proper Husband. I am responsible to God as well to be a proper father figure to Lexi. I am responsible to God to be a son to my father and mother, as well as a brother to Matthew and spiritual brother to fellow believers. I am accountable to God for ALL things that I say and do. I am accountable to God to determine a false prophet from a true prophet and act accordingly to what I believe. I CAN NOT blame anybody else for the decisions I have made or will make. I am very satisfied knowing that. Thank you God, for Grace, Mercy, and Your blood being shed, without these we (I) would be without hope.

I am scared of what the future holds, I see families at all stages of life to death on a regular basis and we will all suffer deep emotional loss at some point in our life. Will I still hold on to my faith in Jesus at that point? It is the Spirit of God that is our only Comforter. Will it make me stronger or will it destroy my future? Family and friends have lifted me up and they have let me down, however they have done it no worse to me than I have done to myself at several points in my life. Jesus, once again is the only constant. He has never left me, never forsaken me, and never let me down, even after doing it to Him so many times.

This is an interesting place to be. I see without a doubt that God is real and not just some term used to feel better about one self. Many use religion and church for things other than the will of the God that it is supposedly fashioned around, and just like me they will be held accountable for their actions and perverting the ways of God to so many.

Let’s look at the formation of a baby. A man and a woman get together and have sex. One half of the required material and chromosomes come from a microscopic little fish that somehow finds its way into the uterus of a woman. (Oh and by the way it is already alive!) While swimming in this dark uterine ocean it finds food in the form of the other half of the necessary microscopic life that when combined forms, essentially out of nothing, a living breathing mix of this man and this wife! If you have never looked at the pictures of an embryo online I suggest that you do it. This process would be ridiculously unbelievable if we didn’t witness it with our own eyes over and over. Even to the minutest details this process could never happen by chance. This is only one of millions of impossibilities that point to God.

Well, anyway…. This is a good place to be…Learning from God how to act and deal with the people and things of this Earth.


H0MEFree said…
Being shaken is hard, but hold on brother!
It is only for a season.

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