A Moral Dilemma


For just a moment let’s take the concept or belief in a deity out of the picture. There is no authority greater than humanity, no higher power to govern us. We are 100% in charge of everything that we do and how we define morality. Each government has the right to do as it sees fit until another stronger or more convincing group comes along to change their practice. How do we define, establish, and regulate societal morality? I am defining morality as what is acceptable behavior and what is not in every detail of the diversity of life.

We have ample history to study all that humanity has done when humans get authority and regulate a society. We have thousands of years of violent take overs, the raping of men, women, and animals, pillaging, destruction, war, and torture. We have slavery of nearly every nationality of human on the planet. We even have groups that believe pet ownership is a form of slavery. Though there are billions of great moments in history where “loving” and “moral” events took place, we are still marred by the many atrocious “evils” that have occurred . That being said, in this conceptual world I am writing about, the one without God, my definition of “moral” and “evil” is based solely on my own personal interpretation of the culture I live in. In theory that definition is something that somehow grew inside me through millions of years of evolution along with some influence from nature and nurture. Am I really willing to make a stand on something that is simply my opinion? Here are a few cultural examples of things that were, or are, not considered evil by the authorities of their time. Don’t be fooled in to believing that this does not still take place all over the world! That belief is naive and stupid! There are some who suggest that there is more slavery on Earth now, than at any other time in history! 

Muhammad consummated a marriage with a prepubescent 9 year old girl named Aisha when he was 50 years old. I see his consummation as pedophilia and consider it evil, the founder of Islam felt otherwise and passed that on to many of his followers. There have been many groups, and more are forming as we speak, that support sexual interaction with children and deem sexual touch as appropriate if it feels good. Communism has arguably killed more humans in the 20th Century than have been killed in all other centuries combined. They were killed to build a human utopia and establish the “perfect form of government”, a government that gives “power to the people”! (except those who stand in its way) Research Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, and Adolf Hitler (Socialist) as a few of the notable proponents of this belief system. I see their actions and methods as very evil, Karl Marx taught that it was necessary and moral for communism to one day become the success it should be and for humanity to flourish more equally. There are many feeding in to this same camp of thought today, they just do not see it as communism. They see it as progress! It is communism, or at least the required steps to communism, and many are simply the useful idiots needed to make it happen. There are thousands of stories that range from forced female circumcision in African Nations, to Irish Slavery in the 1600’s, to baby sacrifice in South America. (Not to be confused with the baby sacrifice of North America today!) Many Christian women, and women of other cultures, were stolen and enslaved by Islam during their violent campaigns in North Africa and the Mediterranean. The Chinese and the Japanese have a violent and evil history of war, torture, and imprisonment of each other. I have a Chinese friend who states that the Japanese are evil people, and that is what is clearly taught in their schools, at least it was the case where she was educated. What I am saying is this is not a race problem, this is an evil problem, and the problem with evil right now is, we can’t all agree on what is and what is not evil because it is defined by humanity instead of an authoritative Creator. If Jesus is God as He states, He is also clear on what is and is not evil. There is no correct answer to what is moral if there is no authority greater than man, it is all relative at that point.

If we are simply products of evolution that took millions of years to get to where we are and have no greater authority other than natures natural process that has guided our existence there is absolutely no argument whatsoever that one can make that there is such thing as good or evil, right or wrong. They cannot exist beyond the shallow authority of whomever is in charge at that moment in time! The closest we could justifiably find to a guide to live by, if this evolutionary belief system is true, is by how things are run in nature. How do things in nature live and survive? Could/should we follow their lead? Many would think this is a great plan until you come to the understanding that nature is filled with rape, murder, toxic battles for dominance, and fear that dominates all the living. The big and powerful eat the weak and small, the strong and healthy destroy the sick and injured. It is one species eating another or even chomping on their own if they just seem to be getting weak. Nature is violent and unforgiving, it is relentlessly stressful in its attempt to find that which sustains life but not getting killed in between meals and sleep. You, as an individual or a government, have no authority behind the morality you are attempting to force on me and my family. All you have is fear tactics involving fines, and imprisonment! In my case, I believe in Jesus Christ and the fact that He is God, and I believe this well beyond blind faith. To me, He has been proven and confirmed thousands of times over. It gives Biblically taught morality some big bite when it comes to how life is to be lived! 

There are thousands of scientific studies (actual science and actual research) and statistics that back Godly living. Just think, if there was no such thing as premarital sex! That alone would eliminate many diseases, the problems that come with children born in broken homes, and there would be next to no need whatsoever for any type of abortion services. We can prove there are significant increases in crime, depression, and suicide in broken families. When I define a traditional family it is the “nuclear family”, the one of Biblical design and it is very clearly under attack, and per Karl Marx, should be! That is just one simple example of how differently the world would operate if just one command of God was honored. But, many do not believe in this God any more than I believe that He doesn’t exist. This leads us to a unique place where we have some very differing opinions on how life is to be lived. Due to Gods unwillingness for people to remain sitting on a fence and not choosing a side, the times have become electric and very polarized. I believe God is forcing people to figure out how we are going to live. Things are about to get really ugly.    

Evil, or at least what I deem as evil, seems to dominate the hearts of men and the actions of the forms of authority that they create. Anybody who knows me knows that I am a Christian, just read my posts, it is evident at the very least that I will suggest that the Bible and its teachings are accurate. I can’t remove that bias from my life, nor would I want to! Never was there a man or will there be a man other than Jesus who gets it right 100% of the time. So I duo not believe that I have it all figured out either, it is a constant path of learning. However, the path of least resistance tends to be egocentric evil. It is tough to follow the Godly path of Righteousness. Jesus is your example!

Christopher Hitchens, a notable atheist, had a challenge out to all believers from basically any religious faith. That challenge, he stated, was never answered by those whom he challenged. The question; “Name one moral action done by a believer that a non-believer could not do.” The answer from my perspective is simple. They cannot love God. The single most moral act that a human can perform is to Love their Creator with all their heart, all their mind, and all their strength. There is nothing whatsoever more moral! A love for God requires a relationship, that relationship creates a desire to be pleasing to Him. To please Him He ask for simple obedience. Obedience to God makes for a pretty healthy society with appropriate and enforceable boundaries. A non-believer cannot love the Deity that doesn’t exist in their minds or hearts. Unfortunately for the non-believer that is truly the only real difference between someone of faith, and the atheist or the “anti-theist”. One is saved from their sin and the wrath of God, the other is not.

As you see, in a world without a loving Creator, there are no-holds-barred when it comes to the level of sin man can, and will commit. Only the temporary authority, the strongest governing force, which is simply “survival of the fittest”, will regulate their definition of morality. Do you have Mother Theresa in charge, or do you have Idi Amin running the show? Is your religion that of the Jesus Christ, or do you follow Aleister Crowley, the prophet of Thelema? Do you follow the leadership of George Washington or Karl Marx? I am not using these names randomly, they have a direct connection to our society today and what is taking place worldwide. Last but not least… I write to basically no one on here trusting that God will bring those who need to hear this message and actually read this far in my ramblings. What I am speaking about IS Ephesians 6:12! For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 

There is no such thing as an atheist or anti-theist, we all live under the rule of a loving Creator who sets boundaries and expectations because He can! One of His His many great attributes is the fact that he provides free will to humanity. Free will is a Holy gift from God, but it can also become the most Satanic aspect of a mans life. It is time to stand up!


Danny said…

"I believe God is forcing people to figure out how we are going to live."
That statement illustrates the beauty, mercy, grace and love of God. He gives us a choice with the full knowledge that not all will choose Him. Not only that, He has shown us how to live and given us a family (the Church) to help us.

To that end, the quotation of Ephesians 6 is important. Remember, every day, to put on the armor of God because the stakes could not be greater.

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