Why Jesus?

Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Him!
John 14:6

There is no other name under Heaven given among men by which you must be saved.
Acts 4:12

ALL THINGS that exist were created by God!
Genesis 1, John 1:3

The Father is God
The Son is God                     All three make up one God!
The Holy Ghost is God         John 1, John 14:7

If you are not in agreement with the one God, then you are in agreement with the leader of the accusers. His name is Lucifer, now Ha-Satan. We tend to just refer to him as Satan, or the Devil.
Matthew 12:30, Luke 16:13, Isaiah 14:12-21, Ezekiel 28:12-19

Satan revolted against God when iniquity was found in him. He lost the battle in Heaven and was cast down to the Earth. His time is short and he knows it! He will do all he can to destroy, kill, or maim, the creation of God. We are part of that creation!
Revelation 12:7-12, Ephesians 2:10

Everybody makes a choice. Everybody will kneel before Him, be held accountable for their lives, and confess Him as God, the King of Kings!
Romans 14:11

What took place before your life is out of your hands. What takes place during your life, at least regarding the decisions you make, are left up to you. That will greatly effect the remainder of eternity! Heaven or Hell?
The Entire Bible!

The path to God is narrow, and few find it, but the path to Hell is wide and easily traveled.
Matthew 7:13,14

God, however, is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Knock and He will open the door. Seek Him, and you will find Him.
Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 7:7

The walk with God is not always easy. They will treat you like they treated Him, and remember He was perfect in His ways and they killed Him by nailing Him to a cross!
Mark 13:8-13, Mark 15:16-20

After all, God will make you His Temple, and dwell inside of you. He will talk to you and teach you everything. He will guide your direction if you are willing to be obedient to Him.
1Corinthians 16:9, John 14:16-26

Confess Him publicly! Live what you confess! Know in your heart that Jesus was put to death and resurrected 3 days later, and now lives at the right hand of the Father.
Romans 10:9,10, Acts 2:31-33

Jesus came to save the world from the enemy of God. He did not come to condemn it. The world by not believing in Him has condemned themselves already.
John 3:17-21

Do you want this? This sliver of time in the midst of eternity is the only time we are given an opportunity to choose. Who do you choose God, or Satan, the light, or the darkness? Let me know if you want to learn more!
John 1:3, John 3:19, Romans 13:12

This is just the tip of the iceberg! Jesus says that everything in Heaven has been given to Him. If we walk in His will, and are obedient to His task, He says He will give us anything that is His to get the job done. God is not a liar!
Numbers 23:19, John 14:12-14


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