Thoughts and Lessons
Here is something that I have been wondering for quite some time, I will throw it out there to my audience of zero on this blog and see what you have to say about it. Here are some things that God has been teaching me lately. I will not go in depth on them unless someone wants to discuss the stuff further!
In no particular order…
1) God has been showing me how the dependence upon the new electronic devices, social networking, and internet is really going to cause people serious issue in the very near future. Keep an eye on it. Listen to current dialogue in conversation and hear all the lingo. Many cannot even have a basic conversation without reference to computers, tablets or smart phones. Watch as the zombie teenagers and college age people walk down the sidewalk or in a store or driving for that matter while they text someone on the phone. This is leading to a LOT of problems! Where did Lot live? Hmmm…
2) Some of the rules God has set before us are pretty black and white. Marriage is ok, adultery is not! Marriage is defined as between a man and woman, adultery is, according to Christ lusting after another. Homosexuality is as wrong in the same fashion. Murder is wrong, even the hating of a brother classifies as murder in the eyes of God. What I am saying here is that Jesus has set some boundaries for us who claim to believe. The world is rapidly erasing these boundaries and creating a much friendlier gray than the harsh black and white. I am not the writer of the rules, these were written and are enforced by the God of the Bible. There are no exceptions, He is correct!
3) Manipulation and lies have become a bigger part of our lives than will be acceptable by God. Remember that manipulation IS a lie with the intent to accomplish something that you desire in the situation at hand. It has almost become acceptable church psychology to manipulate a situation to achieve a desired outcome. This is a big deep one that really will just anger most when they look in to it. We can talk more about this if you are interested. I will end it with this illustration that God gave me quite some time ago. It was a fish story. I caught a 12” trout. We ate the trout that evening and all knew it was about 12” in length. A couple evenings later I had been telling people of the 14” trout that I caught. As time progressed the trout made it to 21” long. I had told the story so many times with my slightly increased exaggeration that I actually believed it was 21” long when I was telling the story. If someone would have called me on it I would have argued it to the death. Then I looked back at the picture of my fish from that trip, interestingly enough the fish was only 12” when shown the truth. This story was part of a vision that God had given me to explain why some who are in the church can’t handle the truth of God.
4) Guess what Jesus is God! The Father is God! The Holy Spirit is God! If this is not true then Christianity is a satanic belief system that is no more honoring to God than Baal worship, the worship of Dagon, and any of the other gods mentioned in the Bible. The Laws of God, though fulfilled by Christ, are still the Laws of God. THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME! Is still the number 1 law of God most High! If Jesus is not God, and we worship Him, we would be in violation of the most important rule! I say this because there are some very strong religious philosophies out there that are dangerous to the walk of a Christian but will fit in perfectly in the world. Islam believes in Christ the prophet, and they believe that their prophet was more accurate after the words of Jesus were modified for political reasons during the 1st century church. Mormonism does not believe that Jesus is God, but that he is a god, just as they will be when they die. It may seem like no big deal, but it is a VERY BIG DEAL! Seek God for His answers on this.
5) I’m not sure how many denominations of Christian Church there are in the world today. I know that there are a lot of them. I can look in my community of 800 people alone and I see Church of Christ, Church of God, Missionary Baptist, King James Baptist, Southern Baptist, Seventh Day Adventist, Lutheran, Nondenominational, Assembly of God, and Presbyterian, and this doesn’t account for home groups that I know of. This is a very small area!!! A house divided against itself CANNOT stand! Who is right? Each has some very differing belief systems and thoughts on worship, education, and who Christ is. I currently do not attend a church but the regular church goers feel I will be mislead if I do not go. Which one should I go to? Do I pick the one that makes me feel good? They all claim to teach the Bible. This list doesn’t include the others that I don’t dare mention such as The Jehovah’s Witness, The Mormons, and the Catholics. I believe that I am seeking God and that He has called me. I believe that this HE is the God of the entire Bible, and the entire world. I believe that HE is ONE God and to make it easier for us to understand Him how He desires, He broke things up in to Father, Son, and Spirit for us. Denominations do not come from God they come from the flesh of men, and we all know the there lies no good in the flesh of men! As God is my Witness and my Judge I will seek Him and be judged by His Word, and my actions and faith. I put this here for this reason alone. I do not have the ability to pick and choose the attributes of my God, He reveals them to me and it is my responsibility to learn who He is, not whom I want Him to be. How many times have you heard in a conversation a line that starts like this…? ”I believe that God is (fill in the blank)” Unless that belief has been taught by God or the believer has learned it from the Spirit of God they are making it up and they are wrong. God decides His attributes and we must learn them, NOT the other way around.
6) Wheww! I want to keep going but I will stop there for now…
In no particular order…
1) God has been showing me how the dependence upon the new electronic devices, social networking, and internet is really going to cause people serious issue in the very near future. Keep an eye on it. Listen to current dialogue in conversation and hear all the lingo. Many cannot even have a basic conversation without reference to computers, tablets or smart phones. Watch as the zombie teenagers and college age people walk down the sidewalk or in a store or driving for that matter while they text someone on the phone. This is leading to a LOT of problems! Where did Lot live? Hmmm…
2) Some of the rules God has set before us are pretty black and white. Marriage is ok, adultery is not! Marriage is defined as between a man and woman, adultery is, according to Christ lusting after another. Homosexuality is as wrong in the same fashion. Murder is wrong, even the hating of a brother classifies as murder in the eyes of God. What I am saying here is that Jesus has set some boundaries for us who claim to believe. The world is rapidly erasing these boundaries and creating a much friendlier gray than the harsh black and white. I am not the writer of the rules, these were written and are enforced by the God of the Bible. There are no exceptions, He is correct!
3) Manipulation and lies have become a bigger part of our lives than will be acceptable by God. Remember that manipulation IS a lie with the intent to accomplish something that you desire in the situation at hand. It has almost become acceptable church psychology to manipulate a situation to achieve a desired outcome. This is a big deep one that really will just anger most when they look in to it. We can talk more about this if you are interested. I will end it with this illustration that God gave me quite some time ago. It was a fish story. I caught a 12” trout. We ate the trout that evening and all knew it was about 12” in length. A couple evenings later I had been telling people of the 14” trout that I caught. As time progressed the trout made it to 21” long. I had told the story so many times with my slightly increased exaggeration that I actually believed it was 21” long when I was telling the story. If someone would have called me on it I would have argued it to the death. Then I looked back at the picture of my fish from that trip, interestingly enough the fish was only 12” when shown the truth. This story was part of a vision that God had given me to explain why some who are in the church can’t handle the truth of God.
4) Guess what Jesus is God! The Father is God! The Holy Spirit is God! If this is not true then Christianity is a satanic belief system that is no more honoring to God than Baal worship, the worship of Dagon, and any of the other gods mentioned in the Bible. The Laws of God, though fulfilled by Christ, are still the Laws of God. THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME! Is still the number 1 law of God most High! If Jesus is not God, and we worship Him, we would be in violation of the most important rule! I say this because there are some very strong religious philosophies out there that are dangerous to the walk of a Christian but will fit in perfectly in the world. Islam believes in Christ the prophet, and they believe that their prophet was more accurate after the words of Jesus were modified for political reasons during the 1st century church. Mormonism does not believe that Jesus is God, but that he is a god, just as they will be when they die. It may seem like no big deal, but it is a VERY BIG DEAL! Seek God for His answers on this.
5) I’m not sure how many denominations of Christian Church there are in the world today. I know that there are a lot of them. I can look in my community of 800 people alone and I see Church of Christ, Church of God, Missionary Baptist, King James Baptist, Southern Baptist, Seventh Day Adventist, Lutheran, Nondenominational, Assembly of God, and Presbyterian, and this doesn’t account for home groups that I know of. This is a very small area!!! A house divided against itself CANNOT stand! Who is right? Each has some very differing belief systems and thoughts on worship, education, and who Christ is. I currently do not attend a church but the regular church goers feel I will be mislead if I do not go. Which one should I go to? Do I pick the one that makes me feel good? They all claim to teach the Bible. This list doesn’t include the others that I don’t dare mention such as The Jehovah’s Witness, The Mormons, and the Catholics. I believe that I am seeking God and that He has called me. I believe that this HE is the God of the entire Bible, and the entire world. I believe that HE is ONE God and to make it easier for us to understand Him how He desires, He broke things up in to Father, Son, and Spirit for us. Denominations do not come from God they come from the flesh of men, and we all know the there lies no good in the flesh of men! As God is my Witness and my Judge I will seek Him and be judged by His Word, and my actions and faith. I put this here for this reason alone. I do not have the ability to pick and choose the attributes of my God, He reveals them to me and it is my responsibility to learn who He is, not whom I want Him to be. How many times have you heard in a conversation a line that starts like this…? ”I believe that God is (fill in the blank)” Unless that belief has been taught by God or the believer has learned it from the Spirit of God they are making it up and they are wrong. God decides His attributes and we must learn them, NOT the other way around.
6) Wheww! I want to keep going but I will stop there for now…