My Mind is Consumed, Where are You?


My current struggle... Well, I know that I am not alone in this but I feel that I am sitting next to the dead body of what used to be my country. I am wondering if it can be resurrected through prayer but am also wondering if bringing her back from the dead would actually be a good thing. How much of my thoughts are based in actual truth in all aspects of who we were and who we are vs. what I am continuously learning about us while watching this epic nosedive of our society. What I mean is that I was always taught that the USA was the good guys. That when we went in to a country to fight it was always for the greater good and to free the oppressed from darkness... and though I know many men and women who feel the same as I do, I question the powers and authorities that led us in to many of these situations. I am not a pacifist, and I am absolutely a patriotic American, I want us to succeed in doing good, but I also want to be a "good guy" fighting for the "good guys" that are truly held to a motivational standard of helping to bring The Light and with Him, the freedom to those places engulfed in darkness. I feel that may be difficult or even impossible for us to do as the Superpower we call the United States of America when we may actually be much darker than we want to admit. Darkness does not bring light to others, just more darkness. Righteous war brings death to the innocent and to the guilty, this is unavoidable and is not what I am referring to. What I am suggesting is that our leadership has lied and manipulated its people to follow more manipulated lies that have been disguised as "truth" in order to garnish the motivated support of our nations citizens (US!). I hate evil and I hate lies and I do not want to be one of the useful idiots that are so often utilized by Marxist power hungry governments to achieve their endgame. I officially hold the belief that the Republican and Democrat party are two heads from a single snake seeking the same thing from two general liberal and conservative mindsets that are separating faster than I have ever seen in my lifetime. No matter which head you allow the power to bite you, you will be digested in the same stomach and eliminated through the same hole. Both sides are hungry for the same control of the population and this is clearly evident when you stand back and see what is taking place. 

In no country that I know of has the government ever been an efficient entity that would survive in a common private workplace. You just can't live beyond your means and survive! They are power hungry and very inefficient from the small local entities all the way up to the largest government services that we have and all of this still gives the ultimate control to the names behind the money in the Federal Reserve. We are given the false belief that we have a free choice in all of this, but that is very clearly and rapidly diminishing primarily through the mass psychosis of fear that has gripped humanity including most Americans. Oddly enough it has been pushed in one way or another by both heads of the snake! The Public Schools are a cesspool of indoctrination of antichrist sensitivity and it politically correct forms of speech. The mainstream media sites are 100% working against the people in conjunction with their associated political parties. But, who am I to trash such a beautiful plan that is working so well. A plan so large, filled with so many idiots that it can only be orchestrated by someone or something with true authority and better insight, a prince that remains in control of this place all the way back from the times of old. We are in a war right now as we speak and though I believe that the "good guys" win in the end, that victory will not be easy, nor will it likely look the way many expect victory to look.

"They will treat you like they treated Me." said Jesus to His closest disciples. Well, they hung Him on a cross and let Him die only so that He could save all of humanity by the blood He shed and then He proved to the world that even death could not stop His mission. He returned and will be coming again with a Sword drawn on the back of a warhorse! Before that time comes, Hell and its future inhabitants are going to rise up and wreak havoc on us all and they will do it with a spoon full of sugar and just enough poison to kill and imprison as many as they can along with them by creating their own disciples. This is a bit of a ramble, but my mind has truly been consumed beyond all things regarding what seems to be taking place here in this country and I just want to be on the correct side... The Good Guy's side that is.. There is only one Good Guy that I know and that is the God of the Bible through the name and blood of Jesus Christ. It is already time for us to stand up! So put on your armor, sharpen your sword, gird your loins and make a freaking stand!



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