Just Some Lessons Given to me from My God...


1)    Don’t commit crimes motivated by hate! Really, just don’t commit crimes unless it is something that prevents you from actively participating in the faith of a Christian. Since our nations laws have been historically Christian based, this is not difficult. That is changing… Remember that your allegiance is to God first and then to your country and not the other way around. The Bible has been pretty clear about seeking love over hate from Genesis to Revelation. Just make sure your definition of love is the same as Gods and not that of your culture or government. …and yes, I believe going to church in violation of an order that says you can’t congregate is an acceptable time in this country to break the command of the government!

2)    For as long as it is possible, seek to keep freedom alive. Actively pursue the measures needed to protect that freedom and the God given rights that are often targeted by overbearing governmental agencies. Do not help the government become more powerful! Help the people to become more powerful all the while remembering that we still need a form of governmental leadership and protection to unite and protect us. This also means fight to keep the rights of free speech, and press. Fight for the right to PEACEABLY assemble! Help to ensure the rights of Americans to defend themselves with the best weapons they can buy, and protect the right to own a private place where you can have security and protection from the elements and people outside. Look at the histories of every country that once had freedom like this and has lost it. See how they lost it and do not repeat their mistakes! Do not forget that the Bible states that where the Spirit of God is, there is freedom! This means freedom comes from God and nowhere else, make Him the priority!

3)    Do not steal! Neither you, nor the government should have the right to steal from another to provide services that they have no business participating in. This means that we should keep the government out of healthcare completely! Get them out of creating unrealistic and expensive regulations and they should not be allowed to take from your hard earned pay to cover me and my poor health decisions! Get them out of holding the power over every business through holding state required licenses. The government takes your money at the threat of force for the compensation earned from your personal sweat and blood. They spend it on things that they have no business being involved in but they simply like to control and ability to micromanage your moves. There are far too many things to mention here! If it seems like the government is taking your hard earned money to pay for something that you have no say whatsoever in, then they are probably extorting you for what is yours… dig in and research it!  

4)    We cannot, as a society, expect to eradicate suicide, crime, and mental health issues, as long as we allow sexual perversion to prevail. Many do not like or agree with this one but the statistics are clear. Sexual sin destroys families and lives ultimately leading to despair and death. We should make a strong moral stance on the importance of sexual purity and crack down on its worst deviations. This means protect the innocent from exploitation! No sex trafficking, no child porn, no incest, no molestation, no rape, etc. is to be tolerated legally. Never lose sight of the grace of God, but this kind of sin is not acceptable and sure as Hell should not be taught as acceptable to our kids in schools! 

5)    The other argument that is not well liked but is another result of sexual immorality is the ridiculous belief that abortion is ok. You CANNOT justify the killing of the most innocent and precious gift that humanity is given because it is an inconvenience! That is the gift of multiplying human life! A one month old infant is 100% reliant upon the parent, or at the very least a mature human, to care for it and bring it to fullness in life. How much more does the life at its inception need protection and care? DO NOT FALL FOR THE LIE THAT THIS IS SIMPLY A PIECE OF TISSUE!!! IT IS LIFE! Protect it, it is a gift from God! The blood of children is all over this country! We must seek forgiveness and repent as a nation over this! 

6)    Remember we can agree to disagree on certain things and we can disagree on big things and be respectful. This does not equate to backing down. There are times on both sides where the end has been reached and other means may be the only way to defend right and wrong. If this can be done peacefully, do it even if it may take longer than you like. Do not resort straight to violence. That being said, I will likely not defend my life and the lives around me from violence by closing my eyes and not acting. There is an unfortunate time when the violence of evil will be quelled by the violence of good. Do not tell me Jesus is against this, you are wrong. God is the same now as he was in the beginning of all creation. God despises violence but also led godly armies and Godly men and women to victory over evil in violent fashions. He created judges that would love Him and stand on his Word as well as hack an enemy to pieces. …But peace is almost always better!

7)    Don’t forget that in the end, just before Jesus returns… all Hell breaks loose and the time is not going to be fun for those who belong to Jesus. But in the end… Jesus!


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