Everyone Seems So Easily Offended

A while back I had made a Facebook post that was intended almost entirely as a joke with a little passive aggressive humor poking fun at selfies, specifically selfies with filters. The post turned in to a whole bunch of people angry that I would post something so “mean”. A few moms were mad because they felt I was a “bully” and the type of person who make their daughters feel bad about themselves. I guess they would prefer that a fake picture of them is a better foundation... They attacked my Christianity, stating that if I were truly Christian I would not attack people in such a way. A nerve was struck on their end! I was honestly very surprised at the level of aggression that picked up over something that seemed nearly weightless compared to most of my posts. We even lost Facebook friends over it! My life has utterly changed since that tragic day of loss. I did not feel poorly about the post, and I still don't. I attacked an American Idol and felt the wrath of those fixated upon bowing to it's image. Ultimately those who were the most offended did not surprise me, one could simply scan through their photos and posts and easily see what they idolize. I hope to some extent it offended many others and they spent some time thinking about how such a post would cause them anguish. 

Let’s bring up a few things to stimulate thought...

  1. In the eyes of God, and according to scripture, how much value is placed on the God given physical appearance of a man or woman? If a person that is beautiful by societal standards is suddenly made near hideous by a fire is that person now less valuable? Biblically that answer is simple... God does not place his value in appearance, nor does He add value to physicality just because society does. The most handsome of men and the most beautiful of women have no greater or lesser value than the burn victim or bum on the street corner as it pertains to physical value. If this is the case, and it is, why do we humans place so much value on physical appearance? Should we not seek to line up with Gods ideals and not our own? I believe value is different than attraction. 
  2. Is one race superior to another race just because of skin tones? Again, based solely on the physical body there is nothing that any human has a right to find as superior or inferior. Humans have managed to do this for thousands of years, but it is not a trait found in the creator. There are races more adept at the environment in which they tend to live, but by no means does that make them superior or more valuable as a human in the eyes of God. Man has regularly desired to be God Himself. It is good for man to strive to be more like God, but never is a desire to BE God healthy in any way. That was Satan's greatest sin! When man follows Satan's he must find him or herself better, more valuable, and more superior to others. If they do not, they can’t elevate themselves to divinity. If one judges another race as superior or inferior they are transgressing the Creator and are wrong for doing so. 
  3. Physical appearance as was administered by God from birth is reasonably out of the control of the individual to change. Yes, I can workout, I can watch my weight, I can dress uniquely to me, there are medical and surgical enhancements, tattoos, plastic surgery, etc. but when stripped down to nothing I am living in the tent God gave me and there is no option in this lifetime to change that. I personally hate the flaws of my own body. At times I let it bother me to the extent that I would change entire plans if it meant the possibility of those flaws being exposed to others. My flaws stole my confidence, and consumed me. My insecurities came from placing too much value in the perceptions of other people. I gave them power over me because of things I had no ability to change. It had the power to change my perception of my own personal value. But did it change my value in Gods eyes? No. It didn’t. It often changed my usefulness, but had no impact on my value. As I mature in Christ, I am gradually awakening to the fact that 100% of my true value is found in Him. My wife loves me. She places value in me. What if she goes off the deep end or her life ends prematurely? Do I hold value to others if she is not around? I probably do, but Lets just assume that I don’t? What if I had no friends, and no family to love me or place value in me? God still does, and always will. I am a part of Him! I am a spirit designed for a purpose that is valuable to His Kingdom! He is my gold standard. He Himself is the holder of that which makes my spirit worth something! Now I say this for a purpose. Do not, I mean DO NOT, let your value , nor the value of your fellow man be found in the shallowness of simple external God given physical appearance. Let it be found in the fact that each person was uniquely designed and created from a piece of God. 
  4. Selfies are killing you! Look at me! Look at me! Please like my pic! Please provide affirmation that I am valuable based on something you had nothing whatsoever to do with. If we could control our birth bodies we would, with few exceptions, all would likely pick “hotter” and more attractive bodies. By doing so we would actually be devaluing ourselves! But that is another message. It is the spirit behind this narcissism that is ultimately killing you. Don’t get me wrong, I am no less guilty than you, I just recognize that this is destroying us at record rates. It is one of many symptoms of our lack of closeness to God. 
  5. 1Co 15:50  Now, I tell you this, my brothers and sisters, flesh and blood are not able to inherit God’s kingdom realm, and neither will that which is decaying be able to inherit what is incorruptible


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