Random Quick Side Note on Race


There is one Race according to Scripture. We all came from Adam and Eve who were literal people created by God. We all came from Noah and His wife, who were real people in the line of Adam and Eve. Every color and shade of skin came from micro evolution in the climates of our ancestors who were split at the time of the Tower of Babel. Dark as night black skin, and white as snow light skin, simply have different levels of pigmentation that were developed over time spent in areas where certain skin tones would thrive while others would not. There is absolutely NOTHING to fight over, be jealous of, or feel victim too because of skin color. It's a stupid argument and a stupid thing to utilize as though skin color makes someone more or less inherently valuable, or more or less able to learn. We have got to get over this! Nobody has any control over the shade of their skin, stop making it an issue. If you do have an issue with it, get it right with Jesus... Just remember He was a middle eastern Jew.

If we want to argue slavery and slaves. Know that the word comes from the Slavic Empire which was primarily light skinned people. There have been slaves from every color of skin, every religion, and every nation throughout nearly the entirety of history. Nearly every major religion from Islam to Christianity to Buddhism and Hindus have owned people to work their land, tend their homes, or to have sex with. Today we have hundreds of thousands of people of all skin colors and both sexes that are being sold and traded for the profit of sex. We should be up at arms over that! Slavery was not about skin tone, it was about one tribe ridding the region of another tribe in Africa. It was about one religion over taking another religion by making their people servants. Slavery is nothing that we should allow or be involved in in this day and age. But know this, for thousands of years one culture takes the place of another and then another steps in. Some were good, kind, and loving. Others have been evil and horrifically messed up. Stop placing a value or judgement on someone based on the volume of melanin that someone possesses.


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