
To be obedient to a parent there is a process… There must be a “desire” or “will” of the parent for something to be done. That desire must be communicated to the child. Once communicated, the child must comprehend and then complete the task. 100% of obedience comes from the action that takes place in response to the communicated desire. If I clearly ask the child to “take out the trash” and they respond with “ok” yet never take the trash out are they being obedient? What if their response is “Dad, I love you so much for telling me what you desire, thank you” They are still not being obedient! The end result is the task, the trash removal, is still not accomplished, and now I am frustrated as well. So I come to the child again…”Please take the trash outside to the garbage can.”

“Ok, and thank you for being my Dad.”

At this point I expect the trash to be removed, my desire (will) has been made clear. God has given us a job to do, obey His commands, and follow His will (John 14:19-23). Some tasks are very clear for all to follow, they are written out plainly in the Bible… Take care of His people, pray for the sick, help the needy, stand on His Word, and the list goes on. He also says that the Holy Spirit that dwells with us will teach us Gods desires (His will). When we hear these desires what do we do? Do we respond with “yes God, I believe You” followed by the action of His desire, or do we respond with “yes God, I believe You” and then smile and walk away?

James said faith without works is dead, he said show me your faith without works and I will show you my faith by my works (James 2:14-26). What are works? Works are the act of your faith, also known as obedience! Are you obedient to Him ALL the time, or just when it is convenient? How angry would it make you to have a child that is only obedient at their convenience? Who, at that point is the one with the authority, you or the child? If you love your child you would never allow that type of unhealthy behavior to be acceptable. I tell you this truth… It is NOT healthy behavior for us to be disobedient to God, not even a little bit! Yes, He forgives, teaches, and disciplines us just like a good parent should, but how far are you willing to take it? Disobedience is rebellion and God has a history of sifting through the rebellious.

1 Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,
And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
Because you have rejected the word of the LORD,
He also has rejected you from being king.”
