A Letter To God
God I look at where I am in my life right now and feel really lucky that I have been placed by You in a country where I have been very comfortable. Sure I grew up in a non-Christian home and struggled with some things along the way, but I always felt pretty protected. Looking back You have shown me many times when You were protecting me, and I’m sure many more that I don’t see. I don’t have a story about abusive parents or molestation. Nothing drove me to drugs or alcohol, as a matter of fact, the alcoholism in my family has driven me away from it. I grew up thinking You didn’t exist and that the science teachers at my school knew much more about Your creation than anybody else. I never really believed in spirits, but still dabbled with the Ouija board and felt there was something to it. You were definitely there the day I bought the Satanic Bible and felt so sick to my stomach I had to take it back before I left the mall. God you have always been there in my life. Why? Why me? My family thinks you are a joke. I remember arguing against you in the name of science or psychology. Wow has my life changed… You have made it obvious to me that you exist. You have spoiled me with supernatural divine phenomena, and a seemingly strong revelation and understanding of the Bible. I want to tell everyone I know about You somehow, but I am always getting in the way. My past haunts me because of rebellion against You, it has placed a major obstacle between me and those who I feel I should get the Word out to. My fears control me when I want so badly to tell my father and brother and mother who you really are. It almost makes me sick to think of my family ending up in a place like hell because they are unwilling to see You for who you are and follow You. I feel if they, or most people, actually knew who You were and not who the general church crowd has made you out to be they would follow You like I am. For whatever reason You have revealed Yourself to me God, I love knowing that You have chosen me to be in Your family. I am sorry that so many people aggravate me to the extent that they do. I guess that is my arrogance, I have to remember that there was a time in my life when I did not believe in You and disagreed whole heartedly that you could exist. How do I get the message out God? How do I tell people in this country of luxury that they need You? I am watching this place turn against those who are willing to stand on Your principals. I am watching this place accept more and more Satanic doctrine, even in the church! For the first time ever I am beginning to really see how places like Sodom and Gomorrah developed, and it is happening here. Even the Christians are taking the bait Satan is placing in front of them. God protect me from taking anything from him! Teach me how to help others see what is going on, and how to help them see You the way You want them to. God teach me to walk in power, and make my life here on Earth beneficial in the scope of eternity. I believe in You, I love You, and I want to be exactly what You have designed me to be (and be good at it!) Open my eyes and my ears, and give me wisdom to help your people. God I ask for boldness, courage, and true love to get Your message out amongst the nations. But I also ask that you help me run my own household, and be a true representative of Your Kingdom wherever I am. Continue to help me fight off temptations that want to drag me to the pit, and continue to show everyone in my household, and those who come on my property that You are the King. Teach me how to fight in the Spirit like a true warrior of God, and help me teach others to do the same. Keep bringing divine appointments with people who need to hear from You, and help those around me see that the spirit world is very real. I really want to say thank You for inviting me to come along with You. There is no better Father, Leader, God, or Friend to have or follow than You. There is so much more to say, but I’m pretty sure we will be continuing these discussions for a very long time. Goodnight. Amen!