Back to Blogging!
Hello all two of you who actually read this. God had me on Facebook for a short time, but has since had me delete those accounts. Haley and I really want to stay in touch with as many of our friends and family as possible, but plan on doing it via phome, mail, email, whatever. However it is time to get back on the blog again. This blog is here for putting out some of the lessons God has been teaching me, and messages that He may want spread. There is no plan on putting a message on here everyday, especially since we do not have internet at our home. I, and sometimes Haley will write as we feel led or see fit. The intent of this is to expose more people to the truths of God, and hopefully see many come to Him. God, (the only God) the God of the Bible and His Son Jesus the Messiah, are more important than many know. They stand above family, friends, and self. What does this mean, and what does this look like is what I hope to help get across on this Blog. talk soon, Kelly