Grow Up!
America you need to grow up! Take responsibility for your actions! Quit placing blame on those before you or on those after you. I say this to the nation as a whole and to each individual citizen or non-citizen. From the very beginning when the forbidden fruit entered the belly of Adam and Eve we have tried to place blame for our own actions. Eve blamed the serpent, and Adam blamed Eve, even though their hands were never forced! They chose to their own disobedience. This recent shooting in Arizona is no fault of anyone but the mastermind and the shooter. This is not the fault of Sarah Palin for putting crosshairs in a commercial. People make their own decisions, many of them are wrong and there are penalties to be paid for their actions. If I speed I pay a fine, if I am dishonest I lose trust, if I kill illegally I should lose my own life! This country blames our politicians for our problems, in in a sense they are correct. I blame all of us for our problems, especially the Christians!!! I AM A CHRISTIAN! If we do not stand up, if we do not live the gospel, if we do not dedicate our lives to the obedience and service of Jesus the Messiah we have lost already! Christians stand up! Christians do what we have all been called to do, and that is spread the gospel message of God to the world! Encourage and rebuke those around you based on the Word of God! Let's all step up the faith! Walk in power! Do not let the enemies of God take any more of our territory. Bring this people and this nation back to God!