
I really want to start putting more some more regular stuff on here. I keep saying that so I will keep working on it. I want to mention a little about the Canada trip and thank those of you who actually prayed for us on the trip. Some very cool things happened, and God taught me a lot about Himself. We ended up driving nearly 2600 miles round trip and I have no idea how many hours of driving that was. It was a lot. I am thankful to have friends like Tom and Deborah Gliebe who love God and have dedicated their lives to His service. I am inspired by their boldness to speak and pray for anybody anywhere and the fact that they really do care and pray for the people they meet. God does bless them in many ways just for being obedient to Him. If you want to hear more about the trip call me or email me and I will tell you more. 208-371-4599 or budo@live.com

The message I want to write is going to be short and to the point. It will hopefully help people better understand my perspective when I write the things I do on here. The stuff that I write is from the Bible, and or visions, dreams etc that God has given me over the years. Often times the stuff I write seems too extreme and too legalistic for many that read it. Many of those who read it also know me and or my wife and see the faults that we possess ourselves. (Weird, almost like we are humans!) They have seen what they believe to be hypocrisy in the words that I put down here. Please understand the stuff I put is our goal as Christians. Never forget that Christ went willingly to the cross to be killed so that the sins of those who would believe in Him would be covered by His blood. The lifestyle I discuss is only attainable through the Spirit of God that dwells with and in those who believe in Jesus. My goal tomorrow is to be closer to Him than I am today. As I get closer to Him, more of “me” and the junk I have accumulated over the years gets exposed so that I can now deal with that junk. (similar to psychology only this actually works) This can be an ugly process sometimes, trust me, I have had some rough times with God. However dealing with this junk as He highlights it in my own life often takes a giant weight off of your shoulders and ultimately sets you free. Understand that the motivations behind my messages and the things I attempt to achieve in life are to be pleasing to Jesus. This is a tough concept for those who claim to believe in Him, let alone those who do not. If I have written you letters that hurt you in the past, I truly am sorry you are hurt, however, I take nothing back that I have written, it came from God. I do hope that you can learn to go to Him to deal with what I said. The intent of letters I have written and postings I have put on here are to proclaim the truth as God has shown it to me. It is up to you to go to God to find out if I am correct, or if I am a crazy man that needs locked up. It is my desire that everyone I speak to, and everyone that reads anything I write on the subject of God will ultimately move closer to Him, even if it occasionally hurts to do so. Those who have taught for many years that Christ and His religion is here to create more happiness and prosperity for man as its primary purpose will probably have a lot of time in an eternal lake of fire for deceiving the people after this life passes from them. Though life in Christ has had many happy days and I live very well, this is NOT the primary focus of the life of Christ and His followers. The primary focus is learning who God is from God Himself. It is learning His will and desire for all of creation down to little bitty you, and then doing your part to fulfill it empowered by the Holy Spirit that Jesus sent to us. I am a slow learner, and this process is taking some time, but I will go down swinging if that is what it takes. So please try not to take offense at my messages, look in the Bible for yourself and if you think I am a looney then show me where it says I am wrong. If you don’t believe in Jesus in the first place then why do you care what I write? My whole goal is that EVERY HUMAN I come in contact with gets saved in the name of Jesus Christ, and filled with His Holy Spirit as the Bible states will happen. I pray that my shortcomings or lack of acceptable personality do not get in the way! Kelly
