There is so much happening in our world it is hard to believe how fast I am watching things move further into the realm of Satan. God once gave me a vision of a toilet bowl flush. The turd spins very slowly on the top of the water as the flush begins, but as the flush progresses the circular motion speeds up faster and faster until the poo goes right down the hole into the septic system. He stated that the end times will be just like that. As we near the end, all of the crap that is taking place will pick up and start spinning faster than it ever has before. We are witnessing that right now in this world in which we live. If you remember in the time of the Tower of Babel, whatever it was that the people were creating was a threat to God. A threat in the sense that it was going to harm the creation the He was planning. He stated that He would go down and confuse their language so that they could not communicate. At that point there was a separation and the people spread across the earth. We are coming to a time where the population is greater than it ever has been as far as we know, at least greater than it has been at least in the post flood era. We are also in a position where the majority of the earth is learning or at least familiar with one language, English! We are more connected than we have been in many life times through the internet and are once again approaching a similar situation as our early ancestors at the time of Babel. The newest generations are growing up completely reliant upon their new electrical devices connecting them to that one world, and once again the doctrine of the enemy of God is becoming the more commonly accepted doctrine to live by. Some may ask what I mean when I say the doctrine of the enemy of God, I will explain. I say that ANY doctrine outside of the Law of God is the doctrine of the enemy. How do I claim that this is the world’s dominate doctrine. I make that claim based on the “symptoms” of society. The desires of God expressed through His law are looked upon by the majority as evil and wrong, and the exact opposite of what He desires is celebrated as liberty and freedom. This is in direct conflict with the will of God, remember that He states that the Truth will set you free, Jesus is the Truth. Remember that God states that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty. It does not state that coming out and glorifying sexual perversion is where liberty is found, nor is living a lie going to be a place where freedom will abound. The symptoms are found in numerous locations, our daily media and the internet that takes us across the world and back are great places to start.

Pornography is as addicting too many as Heroin and Methamphetamines are, and yet it is legal and easier to find. It is a multibillion dollar industry that feeds off of an abused and weakened society. There are very few men that I have met that have not been affected by this in some form or fashion, and is a temptation that many cannot bear. There is even a rising addiction among many women as well.

Homosexuality has been a sexual perversion from its inception. It was made very clear by God very early on that this was not a natural use of the body. However in today’s day and age it is slowly becoming a hate crime to disagree with homosexual behavior. It seems like a “more Godly” thing to do to allow people their freedom to be whomever they want to be even if it means an unnatural sexual appetite is to be the new normal. Openly homosexual children are now actively practicing their perversion even in elementary schools. Interestingly enough God is very “pro-choice” in his approach to humanity. We have a will, and so does He. He is the creator and makes the rules that are to be followed and gives us the opportunity to follow them or do it our own way. Since He is the One who makes ALL the rules, if we choose a will opposite His, we choose the will of His enemy and will spend eternity with that enemy of God in on the shores of the lake that has been created for his retirement.

The Word of God has been made taboo in public schools. It is interesting to me some of the comments that have been made over these past few months in regards to some unfortunate school shootings. It has been said “What should people expect? If God is taken out of a school system it must be filled with something else. The only other thing it could be filled with is the opposite of God which is His enemy!” If we were to read the Law of God and understand the amount of protection that comes with that law, there is no chance that this type of disaster could happen. Even the thought of a domestic terrorist involvement would not hold up when your SRO (School Resource Officer) is God Himself! When God is removed then the generations that are taught will be made mindless zombies when it comes to the deeper spiritual things of a Holy God and will not be followers of Him in any way! I pray that the parents step up to the plate and do their job filled with the Holy Spirit of God!

Marriage holds little to no value other than a potentially temporary declaration of one’s claim upon their new “date” and a way to insure or benefit themselves financially. It used to be that children were taught that their spouse was to be their spouse until death do they part, and it was taken seriously. I know there have been many divorces amongst many generations but the majority of us can speak of the 50+ years that our grandparents have been married and are still going strong or were at the time of their death. But they still failed in one major area! They lost sight of the reason behind staying married and His name is Jesus! They did not teach it to our parents and like mine, many others did not stay married to the same person. They began the acceptance of multiple marriages and divorces. They did a very good job at teaching that one to their kids because my generation really doesn’t see it. It is all about ME and MY HAPPINESS! So when things get tough we go find the one that makes us happy and just get a divorce. Then the generation that followed mine comes along. Many of them don’t even know what a Godly marriage is, they have been raised their entire lives in two single parent homes as both parents sort through boyfriends and girlfriends “test-driving” each one until they find the one that seems to make them the happiest initially. What do we expect our children to learn from this?

The symptoms go on and on where do I stop?


H0MEFree said…
Hey friend,
It is hard to see the world deteriorate around us isn't it? People are hurting and need Jesus. We even hurt.

What can we do?
Make an effort to not sink into depression, first of all! Most importantly though... I say make a difference where ever we can. Have you heard the saying "Bloom where you are planted." Where ever the Lord has you, do everything you can to affect your circle of influence... all the people you come into contact with.
Encourage them in the Lord and minister to them- one on one. Build the walls of the Church, my friend. One brick at a time, one person at a time.

Hope to see you soon. Drop me an email.

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