Time to Stand Up
We need to teach our children to not be pansies!
Some may need to start with themselves first! If someone hurts your feelings
rely on God, He is the only one who should be able to truly hurt you. Do not
fear man but fear Him who can send your soul to Hell! We need to grow thicker
skin and trust Him who loves us. Pain and hurt is inevitable, stop looking to
counseling, therapy, and medications for your peace and comfort. God provides
peace and comfort beyond whatever man can dish out but we MUST seek Him for it.
This does not mean to build up walls of defense but just the opposite, it means
become transparent, do not have any secrets, become vulnerable to man, and
allow God to protect you. Place all of your cares in Him.
Black, white, green, red, or orange, it does not
matter what your skin color or ethnicity may be, you are a creation of Jesus,
and held to the same account as every other human on this planet. I am white
because He made me white, I am “middle class” because He gave me the job and
possessions that I now have. That being said I still had to do my part and work
hard to get where I am at now, and am going to continue to do so. It is NOT the
responsibility of the government or the tax payer to provide your living
without your ability to provide a product or service to benefit our nation or
our family of believers. As a Christian I am willing to help, but do not
appreciate my help being expected or abused, and hate the thought of those who
abuse the system taking from those who may really need the help.
It is not the job of any sector of government to
protect us from ourselves! It is the responsibility of the Federal government
to protect us from foreign nations who may not like who we are and what we
stand for. It is the responsibility of the state and local government to
protect us from each other and from a federal government that wants to lord
over us. Just like any slightly dysfunctional family we have our differences
and there will always be those willing to make poor decisions. If those
decisions are going to increase potential harm to the decision maker then so be
it. A free man has that right and will have to pay the potential price for his
actions. If the decision is putting others in harm’s way then there is a place
for those that we as citizens have hired and elected to step in and provide
protection. The job of a Public Safety Officer (Now called Police Officers) is
to help prevent the outcome of poor decision making, such as driving while
intoxicated. It is also the nature of a true Christian to protect those who
cannot protect themselves. If we allow the government to provide more than this
we have given them permission to own us. We have sold our souls! Say hello to a future of communism! FYI, those
who cannot protect themselves include the baby in the womb!
The news media is a great tool of Satan used to sway
attitudes and emotions with the desire of turning people towards a political
agenda, and away from Jesus. A true story pitched with the right bias creates a
lie. The selective processes of which stories are to be blown out of proportion
create a frenzy of passion to sway the masses. An example is the recent Treyvon
Martin/George Zimmerman case. Most of us only know what we have seen on the
news about this case. The news, in my opinion, did what it does best and preyed
on the emotions of an uninformed public. Uninformed because many do not
understand gun laws and rights, and they were shown misleading information with
the intent to place an object, the “gun”, into a negative light. It was
considered a racist event and yet race really seemed to have nothing to do with
it. Our court system is in place to bring justice and yet any outcome other
than guilty was going to be wrong due to the preloading of the media. Compare
this to the recent story of the elderly WWII vet in Spokane, Washington that
was beaten and killed by two young men in the parking lot of the building where
he was going to play pool. This did not gather much national attention, and was
once again not a racist act in my opinion, even though the two thugs who robbed
and killed the man were black, they were just thugs that deserve to die for the
murder they committed. However the racist side comes from the media’s
unwillingness to make a giant issue of this cut and dry case because it didn’t
fit their larger agendas. This brutal act was kept silent and there was no
national uprising. A war veteran with a purple heart killed for a few bucks. It
should be known by everybody that a man who risked life and limb voluntarily,
was killed by some of those who are speaking English instead of the Japanese or
German we could have been speaking if not for the protection of our God and the
service of those men who went to war. KEEP SKIN COLOR OUT OF IT!!! Right is
right and wrong is wrong no matter what color your skin is!
Without a doubt I know that Jesus is God and He
is the creator of all things. This statement does not mean that I have to be
dumb or weak. It does not mean that I hate homosexuals or that I think I am
“more good” than one who does not believe the statement the same as I do. When
the Israelites were given the “promised land” it was given to them not because
they were so righteous, but because the current inhabitants were so evil, and
Moses made that very clear to them. No where do I see a place where God tells
us that we are so good that He chose us to be Christians. It says that He loves
us all and is willing that none shall perish. He reveals Himself to those whom
He wishes and as the creator of all things, I guess He has that right. The next
statement is going to be more difficult for some to bear because many will not
understand how to deal with it. I will refer them back to thought number 1
above for their peace. There is One God and His name is Jesus. He is God to
everything on the planet and in the universe. He spoke and created what we see
from nothingness (thus the term Uni- meaning one, and verse- meaning to speak)
and this is beyond our current comprehension. Catholics, Mormons, Hindus,
Muslims, Jews, and many regular church going “Christians” are not saved, are
not in line with Jesus, and will burn in Hell. They may be very nice and moral
people, but there is only one way to God period! Oh, and those of you who call
yourself Atheists or Agnostics, you will spend eternity in Hell right next to
the aforementioned when you die. The Bible is clear, the path to God is narrow
and few will find it while the path to destruction is wide and many will find
it. There is only one name by which man can be saved, that name is Jesus. Jesus
is the ONLY WAY, the ONLY TRUTH, and the ONLY LIFE! Period!!! What does this
mean? It means no matter how many “good” deeds that you do, or how nice you are
to those you meet, or how generous you are with what you have, you are no closer
to God than the man sitting on death row for killing his wife and kids. Faith
in Jesus alone is the ONLY answer to life and salvation, and is the key
discovery that makes or breaks all that matters. We have the choice of which
master we would like to rule over us, we can choose Jesus, or we can choose
anything that is NOT Jesus (which is from Satan). I don’t make the rules nor am I the author of
the Book that spells them out to us… If
you know Jesus, but He does not KNOW you, welcome to Hell! This word “know” is
the same word used biblically when a man “knows” his wife at the consummation
of a marriage. Very intimate, and reserved for only One!
As a culture we have moved far from God. As a
group of American Christians we have allowed our lives to mix with the world so
much, that when the truth of God is presented to us we find it ridiculous. I am
guilty and ask for repentance. Should we be allowed to date, should we allow
our children to date? If you think yes, you are not in line with the teaching
of our God Jesus. Should a Christian University have a “Jazz Band” that does
not honor Christ with what it does? When that band has the opportunity to
minister Christ to a group of elderly and decides to sing of dancing, romance
and other worldly excitements instead it is sin! We must study the Word of God
and change our lives accordingly. We have opened ourselves up to temptation and
failure by allowing antichrist morality to be taught and lived in our lives.
Our public schools clearly teach our children that there is no Jesus. We have
settled in the world with the mindset that we are to avoid offense so we don’t minister
to our neighbors. Their blood is on our hands! According to Jesus we are to
avoid unnecessary offense, that means when Kelly wants to be a jerk, he needs
to back off. Jesus told us ahead of time that His gospel would be offensive,
and yet He commands us to keep preaching it. Let their offense be dealt with
between them and God for it is His message that they do not like.