Everybody is Religious.

Religion: an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group, also a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.

Everybody lives their life by a set of “beliefs”. Their decisions are filtered through what they determine to be good, bad, acceptable, and not acceptable. They choose values and morality based off of what they believe to be the correct or most correct way they know. It is impossible to avoid this! From those who claim Atheism, Agnosticism, Islam, Wicca, Christianity or hundreds of others have a belief that governs their thoughts, emotions, and desires. Each one also claims to be the most correct, if it didn’t it would be a stupid choice to follow it! The Hindi’s are working their way up the chain of enlightenment, the Wiccans are giving themselves over to the powers of nature, and the Atheists to science and modern thought. I am Christian and I believe that Jesus, a Jew, created the Earth and everything in it and He asks His followers to give their lives fully in obedience to Him and His rules.

For once I am writing something to make a statement and nothing more. I want people to understand that we all believe in something and that belief governs our thoughts, emotions, and desires here on Earth during our lives. The Atheist may say, I have science to back me and it is NOT a religion. I beg to differ…some of your science is faith based. When the scientific method is followed, something must be reproducible every time to be called a fact. Two + Two = Four can be reproduced and shown over and over without a doubt. It is a fact. Millions of years of evolutionary history is a great theory with some scientific possibilities but absolutely has not been proven to be fact. I won’t just pick on the atheist, I cannot prove to you the existence of God, based extensively on the scientific method either, but I believe in Him from the proofs He has personally given me. Please understand I was raised to believe in evolution and theoretical origins of life and creation. This is not designed to be a fight on which belief system is the most correct and which is the most ridiculous. Some of the most innovative and advanced cultures in ancient history believed that they must sacrifice their babies to fire to keep the gods happy. These people were more technically advanced than we are now if you consider their mathematics, architectural abilities, and astronomy. I am speaking of the Mayans, and Egyptians, to name two of the most widely known.

What is it that governs your personal beliefs? What is fact and what is faith? Why do you believe that your way of thinking is correct? I don’t need you to answer me, do yourself a favor and know the answer though.


