Take your Christianity with you Everywhere!


I want to make a simple and to the point statement. I am hearing a lot of Christians say that the politics and pressures going on right now really do not matter much, and that we should not bog ourselves down with them in the process of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I disagree wholeheartedly! I do believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ must be the primary goal and the primary focus, but the methods of the enemy of God must not be overlooked. This blog will be a mix of simple and pure straight Gospel along with some political discussion that will hopefully bring about some thought.

The Bible teaches that Lucifer was one of the most beautiful angels in all of God’s creation. It states that he was found to be full of pride and felt as though he himself could be God. For this sin, Lucifer, the Devil, the Dragon, Satan (al the same entity) was kicked out and took 1/3 of the angels with him. It states that his wrath against God is great and during his time here he will wreak havoc.

Something that is interesting to me is that the prince of this world, Satan, has many disciples. This means that Satan has followers of whom he grooms and disciplines to become more like him. Jesus does the same thing! He calls His followers and He grooms them through lessons and discipline to become more like Him. As a matter of fact, these are humanities only two options… become more like Satan, or become more like God. If Satan’s greatest sin was the belief that he could be God that too will likely be the greatest sin of his disciples. Uh oh… the jump to politics! Karl Marx wrote that there was no Creator and that we utilized the belief in a God for the sole purpose of controlling others. He felt that man was not ruled by an almighty God, but that man himself was in a sense god. He taught that we (man) were to make the decisions that Christians would refer to their God to make. This means that man determines morality, man determines all rules and regulations, and man should simply eradicate the others who do not agree. It’s ok to lie if it benefits the party! This stuff was clearly written down in the late 1800’s and we now have over 200 years of modern era history to show what takes place 100% of the time man tries to do this. Research Pol Pot, Mao Tse-tung, Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin, there are many more but do a body count just from those sick bastards alone. Read about why they eliminated so many from the opposition and the means by which they killed more people in the 20th Century than all other centuries combined!

Many feel that Communism and Socialism are simply forms of government that come against capitalism. Though they do try to eliminate Capitalism, they are at their core, the action portion of a Satanic belief system. I believe through the studies God has shown me recently that the religion of the Creator is Judeo/Christianity and the religion of the Prince of this world (Satan) is socialism/communism. If you believe in the Bible and study the history and use of communism and socialism you will quickly begin to see what I am saying. Our Capitalist Republic is a form of government that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Father from Genesis to Revelation. This is why if we lose sight of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, we will also lose sight of the ideals that this country was formed upon and our ability to function as a moral republic. Our country is sick and dying. It has developed a cancer that may be terminal. So what do we do?

The Bible teaches that the only true healer is God Himself, He is the great Physician, He is our only hope of survival. I am saying that we take our country to the doctor! We do this in prayer AND in action. When my physical body is really sick I try to find the cause of the illness and treat it. I also deal with the symptoms while the cause of my illness is being destroyed. I believe that the cancer in this body is evident in the decline of true Christianity from generation to generation. We let our own government convince us that we must remove the Bible and prayer from school, but don’t verbally mention that it only applies to Christianity! It is impossible to be a Christian and leave the Bible and prayer out of any part of your life! The cancer is a lost connection with the true Gospel of Jesus. We no longer have power, we no longer repent of sin because most churches support and approve of sin! By droves, people have left the church because the message was not sincere. One thing is taught and another is done. People do not stick around with hypocrites! The messages are not filled with the Truth and they do nothing for the body but manage to provide a little spiritual masturbation for those who show up. That term was stolen from a friend of mine, but it fits far too well to ignore. They were not there for the Gospel but for a feel good moment that only benefits themselves for a short time. It’s a feeling that doesn’t even do its job of creating more people! Thus the church begins to die and the data proves this. Remember that in the beginning I stated that humanity has two options, become like Jesus, or become like Satan. As the church body dies that means that we lose more who desire and strive to be like Jesus and we gain more who desire to live and wallow in the mire like Satan. If more live like Satan we should expect to see the symptoms of a disease leading to death and that is exactly what we are watching.

The fix? Well, it has not changed since the beginning of Creation. Seek the face of God, walk with Him, love with Him, and learn obedience to Him. Seek the Truth in everything and then DO THE TRUTH in boldness and with great courage! Walk in His power and His authority, lay hands on the dying part of the body and bring life back in to it! All the while keep encouraging the living part to stay strong and to persevere! Don’t let it become infected as well! Yes, politics and Christianity mix. As a matter of fact everything that a Christian does and participates in will require bringing the Holy Spirit with you. If you mix fresh water with bitter water what happens? Does the bitter water become fresh or does the fresh water become bitter? The fresh water becomes bitter and is never the same. Neither should a Christian who has been made clean and fresh by the Blood of Jesus even attempt to navigate this world without the Holy Spirit there to guide Him. Let the Holy Ghost affect your politics. Let Him affect your choices at work, in school, in relationships, and in EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE!!!! …then take Him with you into the world and make disciples of all people from all nationalities and all countries!  More to come!   


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