This Should be Fun...


For those of you who have spent a lot of time around the Charismatic/Prophetic crowd you are probably disheartened at all the lies you have bought in to over the years. Consider it a good lesson in discernment between what you want to hear and what God is actually saying.  For those of you who have spent your time in the circles of Baptists and the like who believe in the teachings of cessation (meaning all supernatural “Book of Acts” type stuff God did through His people ended with the 1st century church.) may be gloating over the many ridiculous things these people have claimed over the years and yet your churches (as a whole) are rapidly dying for lack of any real spiritual power.  Or maybe you are in the slightly more “correct” law abiding (legalistic) and prideful messianic/Hebrew roots crowds that believe their Hebrew origins, holidays, and laws have you sitting just a bit prettier than the previous groups I mentioned. Well, let all these worlds get rocked and shaken at the same time!

I have sat with each of these groups for seasons in my life. I loved them for a moment, and then hated them as I walked away with my lesson learned. Why? I was told many things that “came from God” in the charisma crowd that were absolute lies. Weird, that’s what Satan does, he lies… but it was me who chose to believe the lies because I DIDN”T TEST THE SPIRITS or check with God about what He thought when I heard something that made me feel good or gave me tingles. In the Hebrew roots group I found some beautiful explanations to the Hebrew thought process at the time of my studies and felt that maybe I too should obey and hold to the law and these fantastic holidays. I also found out that God met me where I was, in my culture, and took me to a place better than the Hebrew has ever been. I was made to be me, not them! Interesting study to find out where the “Hebrews” even come from (Look of the origin of Hebrew (Hint:Eber))… There is much more out there like, oh maybe the non-Hebrew Melchizadek and His background? You know, the one whom Abraham himself bowed down and tithed too. Then there are those cessationists, man they are really smart! They know the scriptures; they have multiple PhD’s in their belief system. They have read the bible 50 times more than I probably ever will, they freaking know their scripture, yet when handed a demon possessed baby they have no more power than my dog to deliver it and make it new.  Well there’s an easy explanation, “I know God, because I know the scriptures and have dedicated my life to His service. If I do not have the “power” to fix this kid it just doesn’t exist!” …and cessation is born, because in the mind of the intelligent it is easier to explain and justify unbelief, than powerful Biblical faith.  “God doesn’t do this anymore” is easier to teach than the fact that He just doesn’t do it through me due to my unbelief!

We all fall short of the glory of God. As I said in the previous paragraph, I have sat in each of these circles at one point. At that point I was just like the people whom I am blasting in my description. Yes, I am the pot, you are the kettle. I see clearly that I am black, but you just get angry when I say that you are black as well! (You are new age and I won’t even make fun of you if you are somehow offended by the term “black” used here! Go home, we will not be friends.)  Here is what I know for two main reasons. 1. I have seen it and done it, I have a testimony that I know to be fact because I have lived it. That is demons have been cast out, the dead have been raised, and people end up changed for the better supernaturally! 2. I have read the bible and continue to read it daily, that when the Holy Spirit shows up in His people, 100% of the time, what we call supernatural takes place. I am not the sharpest spoon in the knife drawer, but I will cut you deep if the Holy Ghost decides He wants to use me. Nor am I the most powerful Christian I know, but when God Himself chooses to reside in this temple, what are you going to do to stop me?

Stop making excuses and start walking in Biblical Christianity. You will never do it perfectly, watch Jesus for that.  You will never do it at all if you never do it! (Stupid quote but 100% accurate).

Here is the deal, demons exist. Don’t play with them. Fallen angels exist, don’t play with them! The two are different. Satan hates you, but he knows what you like. Remember rat poison is 99.9% good food and 0.1% blood thinner, just enough to make you bleed out of every orifice to your miserable death if you consume enough of it. Satan hates your blood because inside of your blood is your life. He hates the blood of Jesus as well but he can’t stop it. Drink the blood of Jesus and dine on His flesh and you will live. (Let the hearer understand).

Ain’t love beautiful! Time to stand up!


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