Are you a Good Human?


What makes you a “good” human? I am human because that is the scientific term utilized to describe my organic life form. As of yet, there are not too many people arguing what is, and what is not human, give it time because that argument is coming. The question I am asking, is what makes you “good”? How is “good” defined so that you know and I know what it is? Who or what has the authority and right to determine what is “good” vs. something that would not be good?

What makes “good” better than “bad”? What are the benefits of being good vs. being bad, and is this something that is different from person to person and culture to culture? For example, if one culture says that a certain act is extremely bad and another culture feels that exact same act is extremely good, who is right? Is it possible for those two cultures to live in harmony? Is living in harmony in this case “good”? If the act was forced female circumcision could you as a person, who despised that act, live peacefully with them? Why or why not? What if that act was rape? There are cultures in this day and age that actually permit rape to some extent. Could you live in harmony with that? For many, some of the above questioning is a long and difficult process, even for some biblical believers, but you really ought to know your answers to these questions!  

I know my answers to these questions. I have sought God for them, and as new questions arise, I will seek Him again. Most of my answers have been clearly placed in writing and backed in Word by the Holy Spirit. I do not always like or agree with the answers, but the answers are uncompromisingly right even if I do not fully like them. You may ask me why would I not agree with these answers, especially if I believe they are absolute and correct. I have freedom to choose what I follow and believe, and I am definitely not the one who created the standard that I follow. The standard comes from an authority much greater than me, greater than my culture, greater than my nation and its governing authorities, and greater than any human or non-human run entity that is, or will be, formed here or anywhere else. The God of the Holy Bible, through the saving blood of Jesus Christ is my single and infallible point of calibration. I love Him and believe wholeheartedly in Him, but at times I struggle with His reasons that I do not fully comprehend. This is similar to a young child struggling with the reason his parents won’t let him touch the hot wood stove. He may not understand the consequences of his actions but mom and dad do and are saving him from unnecessary pain. I am wrong, God is right, and I know this, but that does not eliminate my fight against God when my sin nature rises up within me. …and yes, people are inherently sinful and lean towards evil. That is the natural path a human will follow unless trained to seek and love the calibration of good! This is evident in pretty much any child, thus the reason we are to parent them, and it is present in any adult that has not reaped the rewards of proper training and discipline. 

As a Christian my calibration of “good” comes from the Father in Heaven. There are absolutely ZERO other places to find it’s origin! Even Jesus Himself made the statement that He was not good but only the Father in Heaven was good. What does this mean and how can this be? Jesus is reported to have lived perfectly (a claim that I absolutely believe) and yet here He is claiming that He is not good! I am sure there are many explanations for this but I am going to give you mine. 

Everything that Jesus did was right and perfect in the eyes of the Father, both His actions AND His thoughts were good by the Fathers standard, the FATHERS STANDARD, not Jesus’. Within that last sentence is the answer to almost all the above questions. Jesus was not “good” within His human nature, but with His whole being He chose to follow the standard given from The Father above. He always pointed humanity to the Father! Jesus brought people to Him to save them, and to disciple them so that they might live like He lived. He is the doorway to the Father! His calibration of good was, and is, the Father. Jesus’ life was spent looking to the Father for everything! He praised and worshiped the Father, He obeyed the will of the Father, and He honored the Father in thought and action. This is one of many reasons why God so clearly makes the command in the Ten Commandments to honor your earthly mother and father. The core of both of those primary authorities originates within the Godhead of whom we call The Father. This was also demonstrated in the flesh when Eve, the (feminine) mother of all the living, was created from the rib of (masculine) Adam, the father of all the living. Adam was created “in the image” of God and was a direct creation of God. (I like the stupid question “Did Adam have a belly button?”) Both the feminine and the masculine come from the Godhead and were designed purposefully!  

Many of you may not believe in this Jesus stuff.  You are free to believe what you like, but the burden is on you to find something beyond your opinion on morality and ethics. You will have to explain how an expectation for me to agree with your ethical and moral stance makes me good, and how I am bad, or simply wrong, if I disagree with you. How is this a benefit or detriment to me in any way? If God does not exist then there is no absolutes (a philosophy that is clearly being taught and practiced in our country now.) and therefore anything you say or believe is just as wrong as it is right if it has no concrete authority to uphold it. It has no foundation! If there is no authority greater than man that can enforce your belief all that needs done is for the opposition to be physically more powerful, or just simply more devious than you to force a change to their new way of thinking.  

These subjects are hard to keep short. I know I do not need to on this blog, but I still want to keep what I write at an easily readable length. Nearly every paragraph has a full lesson I have at some point received from God, and I would bet there are many others out there who have also received lessons from God on much of this stuff as well. To quickly summarize what I said above… You are not good unless God says you are good and no amount of good eliminates one single sin in your life. I like the analogy that if you did good things your whole life but only committed murder once, would all that good override the murder so that you had no penalty to pay to fix it? Nope, you are guilty. There is no such thing as a good human, there are people who do nice things and there are people who just simply agree with your definition of good, but no one is good! There is especially no one good enough to get to God or enter Heaven without the forgiving blood of Jesus. Without that blood your are destined for Hell and it is not necessarily because God does not love you, but because you have rejected Him and will be found guilty of your sin with no forgiveness of its penalty. Death!  


Danny said…
"...anything you say or believe is just as wrong as it is right if it has no concrete authority to uphold it. It has no foundation!"

I know multiple people who would fit the worldly definition of "good" while being outspoken about their lack of belief in God. Submitting to a "concrete authority" takes humility, trust and faith. This is very hard for many because we want to make sense of of every aspect of life and there are things about God that we simply don't know.

No matter where somebody is at in their spiritual journey, especially for evangelical unbelievers, as Christians we must show love and begin with prayer.

And "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..." 1 Peter 3:15

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