My Life in a Song Part 1
99% of you will not necessarily see why of all the songs I could have picked that have some sort of meaning to me this is the one that I picked to represent my life in a song. Trust me on this one, there are so many comparisons to me, my life, and my walk with God, that it makes me smile! Just remember my walk may not be as pretty as yours but in the end we will all see where we stand with what we accomplished here on Earth. We can compare muscles there....
Also, Chris Ledoux, hands down is my overall favorite musical artist and though he has many songs I like more than this one, this is the one that always makes me think of my horse vision.
(Just FYI, I take pics of my kid, my dog, and my wife, pretty much in that order. So those are the pics that I attach to my stuff... Occasionally I may do something crazy and have a pic that actually matches my story, but for now, I hope you all enjoy what I put up.)