The Dawg!

Occasionally I will do some stuff on the lighter side… Mostly because the darkness that has been realized in this world can be overwhelming at times. This post is about my dog…

This song makes me smile. Stupid song that sticks in my head!

Our dogs name is Fia. It is Latin for Fire. I like fire for multiple reasons. One, is that I have been directly associated with it as a profession for much of my life, and two, the concept of the “Fire” of God has always been a major part of my salvation and enjoyment in the Holy Spirit. Fia is a Dutch Shepherd, full of energy, currently still a puppy of only 14 months old, and very sweet! She likes to talk a lot and make funny noises to get attention. Recently she has learned that it is best to bark when she hears a vehicle outside, which is generally good, except the Fed Ex and UPS trucks usually arrive sometime in the middle of Samuels nap and I haven’t quite got the barking under control yet. This occasionally wakes the boy up and that is less pleasing to me. 

These two are like brother and sister. Sometimes they play and have a blast together. Other times Samuel is a bossy older brother and she just wants him to leaver her alone. Like a good dog, she tolerates his annoying behavior and goes to the other room to be left alone. It can be a constant battle teaching the boy to be nice to the dog. 

Our dog is talented and has supernatural powers. She can fly, as is seen in the picture to the left and she can drive a tractor as seen above, which comes in handy when it snows while I am at work and need some plowing done. She does get a little moody when she is in heat, but so far she seems to be a pretty good dog and her shortcomings come solely from our imperfection as dog trainers. If you come to visit there are a couple things you need to know. Put a knee in to her or smack her nose if she jumps on you or gets all up in your junk. That is not allowed! She is a puppy and just gets excited to see people way up here in the sticks. She lives in the house with us and is a bit spoiled, but she does not get table scraps, although for some reason she may look at you with puppy dog eyes to convince you otherwise don’t give in to the temptation. Also, I probably would be careful messing with Samuel, she may not take kindly to it if she thinks you are hurting him. I like that!


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