God will get me through this?
In 2009 God told me while in prayer that Lexi was going to hurt a lot of people one day, but that I should not worry because she would be coming back to Him. At the time that statement sounded like she may rebel, go a bit wayward, but return to the faith. That is how it sounded to me anyway. As many know that is not how it panned out. She intentionally jumped off of a cliff to her death. I believe wholeheartedly that she returned to God as I believe that she was truly saved. This has been confirmed may ways, this first statement being one.
I do not know how many times I have heard the quote, “God will get us through this.” Is this a factual statement? When we watch the new Christian movies we often see a happy Christian family that somewhere in the middle goes through a crisis and in the end there is some miracle from God that makes everything right. I mean, isn’t this just like the Book of Job? We have a “good” man of the faith who does nearly everything right go through an epic test of his worthiness right? He loses his stuff, he loses his workers, he loses his kids and then begins to lose his health to the point he is suffering so greatly that he wishes he had never been born and prays for death. But, in the end, he is restored even better than before and he kept his faith and he conversed with God. There is far too much for me to write on Job, but God did get him through this right? Don’t overlook the fact that it was God who pulled His hedge of protection away from Job to allow the pain and suffering. I am not questioning Gods decision, nor His methods here. I do not fully understand them, I do not really like them, but I trust that He does know exactly what He is doing and why! Jobs story ended nicely, even though all that he loved from the beginning had been lost permanently.
How does this change when I use the example from Hebrews 11? One of my all time favorite chapters of the Bible is Hebrews 11! I love the fact that within its boundaries it completely describes faith… but, there is a problem. Maybe the author had not seen how Christian stories are supposed to end. There are a lot of promises and hopes that were dashed to death in this chapter and were never attained. Their ending was literally death! They were sawn in two! Crucified! Burnt as Roman candles. Their story definitely had God in it, but the ending wouldn’t fly in our American Church movie time or sermons!
“God will get me through this.” Did He get Lexi through her situation? Yes, but not in the way we would have preferred. Nor do I believe that it was the way God would have preferred, but He still came through. What will my country look like over the next few years? I have no idea, but the visions and stuff God has been training me on is not pleasant! I have written recently about a regular occurring struggle I have. I constantly picture the death of Haley and Samuel. Sometimes it is to the point of nearly making me feel like I am going crazy. I prayed to God and asked that He simply promise to protect them and let me know they would be safe. He answered my prayer, but not in the way I desired. He stated that He would not make me that promise. He said the promise He would make me is that if something happened, He would be close to me like He was when Lexi died and that He would walk with me through anything I faced. He then stated that I would have to be ok with that answer. He did not say anything was going to happen, just, that if it did, He would be there. So, I guess He will get me through this if it were to happen, right? But, what if we are taken from our families and placed in other areas? What if we are finally attacked by the Chinese or the Russians, or both for that matter. It would likely be a bloodbath with many dead. Communism is not notoriously known for its friendly treatment of the enemy. There is no promise that I will survive, nor that my wife and son would survive. As a matter of fact, the violence that could come may be at such a frenzied level that it may make stories of the holocaust sound tame. There is one thing I know, I will be with God, both in life and in death! I would prefer the happy Christian movie ending, and it is not out of the question, but it is very unlikely!
I pray my wife and son are in Gods hands and whatever may fall on them He is with them. I do know that as humans we generally have some fear of death and pain. As a Christian human, my only difference is the fact that I know death is the final door to true freedom. I can’t tell you exactly what lies on the other side of the vail, but I know that for those whose sins are covered by the blood of Jesus the other side is far better than anything that we can comprehend here! Unfortunately those who are not covered by the purchasing power of that blood only have pure darkness and torture awaiting them. Do I actually believe this stuff? Absolutely!!! Remember, I once despised Christianity, it was a fake and awkward crowd of lying hypocrites as far as I was concerned. But, the Holy Spirit broke in to my life and has done far more than I could have ever imagined to prove the existence of God. I just know that Gods sole purpose is not to make Kelly a happy man, nor is God sole purpose about Kelly… But Kelly is included in Gods purpose and from what I have seen, those who follow closely in the footsteps of the Master are treated like the Master was treated! I do not claim to be that good, but I do desire to be more like Him. He is the only perfect role model I know. I may not understand why He seems to protect one person and not another, but I don’t really need to know unless He wants me to know. If my lot is like that of Jeremiah who was sent over and over to get beaten and humiliated, then that is my lot. If my lot is like that of David, who though he made some notorious mistakes, also was a valiant and well decorated hero to the people, then so be it. Maybe my lot is like Daniel, who was captured and made to serve other kings. Maybe my lot is to be sawn in two or far worse to watch my wife or son be tortured. As Americans we have lived in luxury, and that is not a sin. But it may have made our minds a little weak by letting us believe that this stuff will never happen here. Well, remember the holocaust, remember what Mao, and Stalin did to their own people! We had more people killed in the 100 year period of the 20th century than all other centuries combined!!! And Jesus states the time period just prior to His return will be worse that any other time in all of history. The Bible literally states that just prior to the flood people were continually evil and violent… The end will be worse!
That being said, the true Christian end is going to be amazing! Jesus Himself will be seen coming down ready to battle, and He will have an army following Him. He will make judgement, and He will make the final stand. If your name is written in the Lambs Book of Life, this moment may be like no other we can imagine! Lets us pray when the time is near, it comes quick. It is time to make a stand!