Time to Know What You Believe!

Questions to make you think…. If the reader is Christian, then from a Christian perspective how do I respond to the following questions? Just FYI… all of these are based on actual situations that I have been involved in or studied in my quest to challenge my brain, and better my situational awareness as a Paramedic and a Christian. Haley and I often go over scenarios that could very likely happen from our home to the workplace so that we have a basic plan in motion before it occurs whenever possible.

  1. You and your spouse are sleeping at your home. The time is 2:00 am. Your two children are in their rooms down the hallway. You hear glass break in the living room just beyond the children’s bedrooms. You crack open your door and see two people with masks entering through a newly broken window. It is too dark to see much more. You have to react… What do you do? Does this change when you see one of the intruders beginning to enter your daughters bedroom? 
  2. A law has recently been passed in the State Capitol that declares that any version of the Bible not approved by the State, or any teaching from the concepts of antiquated Christianity is deemed illegal due to its hateful and rebellious content. Specifically the hateful content mentioned in the law is the fact that the Bible does not clearly and openly condemn slavery, and it is highly intolerant of the practice of homosexuality. The rebelliousness it mentions is the fact that one must submit to their god over the government when it comes to things such as these. What will you do? At this point how do you interpret Romans 13?  
  3. A strange noise is heard in the trees behind your house. You feel compelled to walk out there. You find a your 40 year old neighbor in the act of raping your 5 year old son. How do you handle this situation? 
  4. Your favorite dog is playing with a 10 year old child that he just met at a park. The park is near a river that has a strong current and a large beautiful waterfall 200 yards down stream from the grassy area where they are playing. Suddenly you hear a scream from an elderly couple that was there to see the waterfall. A piece of the guardrail had broken away and both dog and the child fell in to the water. To cascade over the falls will be certain death to them both. You have time to potentially save one of them. What do you do? If you choose to risk it, which one would you save? Why? What solid reason can you give me to say your belief on this is correct?
  5. Your State government has mandated that you will wear a mask at nearly all costs. It may be a cloth mask, a surgical mask, or an N95 mask. The science shows that only the N95 mask has minimal protection against a virus and still may require a distance of nearly 60 feet from an infected source to truly protect you from illness. The leadership has been able to bypass the checks and balances system by calling all things an “emergency” in order to create the ability to make giant public decisions and still bypassing the laws and regulations we have set up to minimize government from taking too much power. Our government now has the ability to create illogical rules at restaurants that require you to have a mask on while entering and walking to your booth yet the entire time while you are at the booth the mask can be removed for eating and drinking. Remember actual science shows that a virus infected droplet will travel 26 to 60 feet in the air. Even if the 6 foot rule worked, this is still nonsense. At the grocery store they require masks and now have glass to cover the clerk. The pin pad on the debit machine is touched by everyone that comes through. The groceries are touched by the purchaser as well as the clerk and the bagger. The purchaser has now touched everything that everyone else has touched and then heads to their vehicle where they remove their mask and touch everything else. Side note… How many times to do you now touch your face when the mask is on versus the number of times you touched it without a mask. You probably still give your slightly runny nose the occasional finger swipe! Here are the questions… At what point will you finally draw a line and quit letting the state control private business by the threat of licensure removal? At what point will you realize that there is very little logic behind these laws and yet there is a force stronger than this nation has ever experienced placing fines, and jail time behind it? Even worse, there has become an almost religious righteousness found in the crowd that pushes wearing it? What will be the line in the sand that they will have to draw to make you say enough is enough? If you are with God, I believe that time is coming very soon! 
  6. A communist takeover of the state in which you live begins to move forward full steam ahead. You, being educated slightly in the history and path of communism because you have read The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx, and the Naked Communist by Leon Skousen, recognize that if it gets much more steam there will be no stopping it. (Just FYI, short of an act of God we are already there!) What will you do to try to prevent the millions of deaths that all communist governments ultimately require to accomplish their final endgame. Where do you start and what do you do? How long will you wait? 
  7. In a discussion with a friend who seems to like and support the basic ideals of communism you are asked the question about what we should do with extremist Christians. Your initial response is, “What do you mean by extremist Christianity?” Their answer is simple, as communists we generally believe that man is the supreme ruler over man and that it is our responsibility to find out how we will live together. To do this we simply must rid the place of those unwilling to play along and help further the cause, especially those ruled by fairy tales. We (communists) desire to enjoy the peace we believe that we can ultimately create by working together for the common goal of our individual happiness and creating equity for all. Extreme Christianity is that in which its followers actually believe in an invisible and unprovable deity. They are those who hold fully to the legalistic morality of the Bible and do not respect things such as a woman’s right to choose abortion, prostitution, homosexuality, and the freedom of men and women to seek happiness outside of the moral code of the Christian god. They do not hold to the belief that the government will better provide and supply the needs of the community to keep one from ultimately rising so high above the other as to make someone else inferior to them. Communism believes that extreme Christianity has simply been utilized to oppress others and it needs regulated. After their explanation, that was taken nearly directly from the Communist Manifesto, what is your answer to them? Will you be willing to make a stand at any point in the near future?
  8. Why is it wrong to rape another person, or an animal for that matter? I need a hardline answer here, not just a “because”! Give me the “why” all the way to its origin.
  9. Is it wrong to tell a lie? What if that lie was in 1943 and told to the Gestapo asking if you knew of people hiding Jews. What if you had a Jewish family you were trying to protect in your hidden closet upstairs? Is it wrong to hide things from the government? Or do we obey our earthly authorities even when they are doing something you believe to be evil?
  10. What defines evil? Does evil even exist since it does not seem to have scientific backing?
  11. Why is it wrong to have sexual interaction with young children? I need a hardline answer here as well… Believe it or not, not every culture believes that this is wrong. Maybe you don’t either, but a hardline answer is needed because if you choose to exercise that belief on my child there is a chance you may die for that belief. 
  12. In my line of work I have seen some absolutely beautiful moments of humanity. I have also witnessed the worst of the worst. As you sit in your home and think “This stuff would likely never happen to me!” Or just as bad, you don’t plan or think of things at all, you might feel my questions are very dark and dreary. Guess what? This stuff is taking place daily and you may not even know it. Your neighbors child has been molested and raped, your local and state government is gradually removing your rights a little at a time in the name of protecting you from yourself, and you can find thousands of recordings from dispatch centers around the nation where people were hiding in their closets as intruders broke in with harm on their mind, many of which ended in the death of either the intruder or the resident. Not a day goes by where rapes do not occur, where babies are being aborted, children molested, or spouses abused by the other. As a Christian I believe wholeheartedly in Heaven, I do not fully know the details any more than the next guy who has studied it, but I do know that where we are living now is not Heaven and bad stuff happens here all the time. I see it far too often! We live in a broken world that was once handed to man to manage, and man handed it to Satan and his followers to run for a while instead. We are still suffering that treason! Because of that, really gruesome and bad things are often allowed to happen, and Christian or non-Christian alike we must plan how we will treat and love those around us as well as just simply survive. History has proven that seemingly “good” governments go bad. It has proven that there are evil people who do evil things, some of which is way beyond my comprehension of the capability of a human. Are you prepared? This does not mean take your trust and faith from the hands of God! This means God has asked us to “DO” and not to sit. The walk is meant to perfect our maturity, and live a life filled with the power of the Almighty. This cannot be done sitting still. What chances are you taking to fulfill your calling? Please realize that you will get beat up a bit the closer you get to fulfilling it! This is something I seem to know all to well as of late! Time to stand up in the faith!     


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