
When the Jews of WWII were being slaughtered by the millions should the Christians of Germany stood up to do something? Should they have fought against laws that separated and limited the Jewish people from society? Were the German people victims of the Jewish “Rats” that infested the country? Freedoms were taken away from the Jews slowly over the years until they arrived at a place where NAZI socialism decided that they would need to change things. This resulted in 6 million Jews violently being killed with the intent to eradicate them from society. Would there have been a benefit to the Christians in becoming educated and involved in the politics of the country if it would have likely prevented a majority of this massacre? I am tired of hearing Christian based organizations say that they want little to nothing to do with the politics of this country. “I belong to the Kingdom of Heaven.” Is what I am told. “I am a foreigner to this place.”  “God is in control!” This is scripture, yes… but it does not mean that you simply stay uninvolved and let the politics turn in to something that allows the death of anybody except those guilty of crimes deserving death. This clearly took place in WWII! Are we going to allow it to happen again? 

We know that any law allowing a specific set of people to become “victims”, or to become special in any way is not biblical and it is not a law that helps liberty thrive. We are watching this a lot right now in our culture. LGBQT groups are regularly placing laws of protection in the books. The “add the words” campaign was to make sure their sexual orientation was specifically included in the writing of law. The freedoms in this country are meant for all people! To add specific groups actually creates segregation, which can’t exist with liberty! We must be educated to see when liberty is being attacked and when our own government is involved in the attacks! This means we retain the right for PEACEABLE Assembly for the redress of grievances, and the freedom of speech. This means that we have the right to our opinions and belief systems so long as they do not threaten violence or become violent against others. We must maintain our ability to defend ourselves against violent acts that may be committed against us! This protection must allow the possession and use of weapons as good or better than the attacker, including our own government! If you can’t tell… I am simply going through the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is political, it governs our politics. It governs your rights and abilities including your freedom to practice your religion openly!

If we hand the liberties of our constitution away because your modern socialist leaning education has poisoned your mind in to believing that a system that has failed 100% of the times it has been tried over the past 4500+ years will somehow create a perfect society you have been deceived! There will never be a perfect society run by humanity. The closest we have come is what was created here in 1776! Definitely not perfect, but it is a good central plan to create a strong and free nation for all when followed. Here is the problem that may not be repairable at this point. For the United States Constitution to work it must be followed via the concept of Judeo/Christian morality or it will absolutely fail. It cannot allow for perversion, it cannot allow for murder, theft, lying, ect. If it allows for one, it opens the lid to Pandoras Box. So the failure will be in the selfish sin nature of humanity who wants freedom, but does not know where it comes from. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, you will find liberty.     


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