The definition of sin is missing the mark. This shot group is a decent group but can be much better. The dead center would be perfect, and for all three shots to hit that point right on top of each other would be better. The way this happens comes through practice and occasionally slightly modifying the powder charge, amongst other factors, to better tune the shot. Though these would easily kill what I am shooting at, even if that was something as small as a chipmunk at 100 meters, they are not yet perfect. I must train here so that I can be better out there... and that is just the beginning of the process.
There is One God and it is the God of the commonly accepted Holy Bible. From Genesis to Revelation there is only One God. He is broken up in to three separate but singular entities to help those of us living in a set number of dimensions better understand Him and how He relates to us. Elohim, the Hebrew word given as the title of the Creator in Genesis is a plural title. What is commonly understood as “The Trinity” is the Body (Jesus), the Soul (Father), and the Spirit (Holy Ghost) of our God and Creator. This fact is literally just that…it is a fact regardless of whether you believe in Him or not. He is God and He is the only true God that exists, all other entities, spiritual or physical, were created by Him, or they are a product or perversion of something that was initially created by Him.
God, the Creator, defines that which is, and that which is not sin. Neither you, nor I, can make that determination on our own. It lies solely with the One who created this place and set it in to motion. Our job is to learn what He desires, also called His “will”, and learn to come in line with His will. Sin is most often very clearly defined within scripture and it is our responsibility to get close enough to God to understand His thoughts and desires as to how we are to act upon our daily adventures and encounters. Sin is hated by God because it literally works to destroy and distance something that He dearly loves and craves, which is the sinner.
I have written this in more depth in other places, but allowing sin, approving of sin, supporting sin in any way is easily compared to providing meth to a meth addict because is makes them feel better and fulfills their immediate search for pleasure and temporary freedom from the pains that they are suffering. Sin is the methamphetamine in this example and at some level is simply something that seems to provide temporary relief of mental and/or physical distress that are causing suffering, and yet it is most often this same sin that acts as an accelerant of the rate at which the sinner sinks deeper into the hole that alienates them from the God who is calling them to a much higher place.
What is a Christian? One who believes in Jesus the Messiah, and has committed and submitted their life to Him as the God and Savior that He is. What does a Christian do? The number one strategy that God Himself has described in true Christianity is to Love the Lord God with all their heart, all their mind, all their strength, and with their entire spirit at all times and put Him over all things. If I were to put this statement into one easy to understand word… We are called to show everything I just mentioned through “obedience” to the King of kings and Lord of lords and spend our lifetime battling our flesh and sinful nature to become more like the One perfect example we were given when God manifested Himself in the flesh to provide salvation through His own sacrifice all the while teaching humanity what “good” looks like.
My job is clear, practice obedience. This can only be done through the meditation of the scriptures, prayer, and many tests, trials, and tribulations that will come with the actions to follow in His footsteps. There is not one person that I have ever met that truly answered the call of Jesus that was not changed for the better. Every one of those same people always had this prayer at some point in their Christian lives… (paraphrased to the point) “God, please make me a better Christian!” In His love for this desire, He will absolutely answer your prayer and it will likely be the most difficult task of your entire life. There is no other way that He can make you sincerely better that does not require Holy Spirit discipleship and testing over your years on this earth… and I would suspect the lessons continue in to the afterlife only in a different Way.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the Light the obliterates darkness and exposes the evil hiding within. There is no other Name, no other Entity in all of existence that can remove your sin and provide a Way to the Kings chamber. He is the key figure and there is NO OTHER WAY! Period!!! This black and white requirement is not popular in todays world. Well, its not my design, we are His creation. I am a messenger as well as one who believes it wholeheartedly. Once this decision is made, and there is a difference between simply believing and fully submitting, God will show His work in you and you will be taught to do what you were Created to do (true discipleship)… and that my friends will have a long line of beautiful and faithful testimonies. That last statement will not be understood for a while, especially as you walk through these places and die to the things of this world, but trust me on this one. God is good, God is loving, and God is perfect, even if we just don’t always get it or enjoy it. Love ya… Its time to stand up and make some noise!