The Death of a Dream.

"Burn the Ships! Retreat is not an option!"

 Death of A Dream

I have no doubt that we are in the final stages of the death of this country and its hope of freedom provided by the constitution. I am watching it die, and the answer why is plainly written in my first sentence. The nations of this world have been offered an amazing gift. That gift is salvation, and with salvation comes the capacity of freedom for its people. But Satan has taught a different “freedom” and the majority prefer it! Jesus states that freedom is found in the presence of the Holy Spirit. For this to be truth, freedom must follow the commandments of God. Love God with everything, and love your neighbor as yourself. Satan teaches that freedom is a place where you get to do what you want and the government will be forced to accept what you want and legislate it on the citizens or the people will cause disturbances to force their freedom on you… The latter group of people claim tolerance, but they are only tolerant of the acceptance of their own sins. They are not tolerant of the condemnation of sin, especially the sin designated by the God of the Bible. Jesus Christ is tolerant of sin, in the fact that He died purposely to fix the breaking of the connection with God that is caused by sin. He cannot tolerate that sin overtaking and dominating the lives of those He created. He knows that sin is literally killing humanity and thus will not accept or agree with it due to His extreme love for that same humanity. But He will let them suffer in their willful rejection of Him, though He does not enjoy it. In the first sentence I made the statement that we look to our constitution to provide freedom. That has never actually been a true occurrence and it never will. The provision of our freedom has come through men that held the glory of God in the highest position of leadership, and from there arose a document (the US Constitution) that would support His cause. Only when looked at through a Holy lens, and enacted through a Holy purpose, will the statements of freedom written in the US Constitution work to provide actual liberty. Eventually, following only 7 or 8 of the 10 commandments that the US Constitution was ultimately based on will lead to a complete breakdown of the system. Well, the tide has turned, the history has been reinterpreted, and the understanding that was held by the founding fathers of this country has faded if not completely been eradicated in the nations majority. There is nothing on the Earth,  or in the Heavens above that can create the free society we long for short of complete submission and repentance to the Creator through Jesus the Christ, period. There is a 100% chance of violence from Hells future inhabitants as the remnant of Christ fades from this once beautiful possibility. Don’t worry though! The fall of this great nation has been foretold in the Bible, both in the Old and the New Testaments. That does not mean we stop fighting, that does not mean we give up. That means we keep (or begin) abiding in God and holding on to the hope that He gives us no matter what! Hold on to the faith and do the truth all the way through your final heartbeat. I don’t think it will be easy, but pray that you run the race clear through the finish line no matter how bad it hurts getting there. This is only the opening chapter of your existence and the minute your heart stops beating here on Earth the curtain will be opened and you will literally enter an eternal place with God. I just pray we find eternity WITH Him, and not one that is set apart from Him! 


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