Upcoming Topics... Open for suggestion


There is a battle going on! This is not new, but it is speeding up both in the world, and in our lives. As the sides begin to take shape, and more people begin to definitively choose their battle stance and who they will fight for God has been showing me, and many others, a lot of stuff. I know that I am also not the only one He is speaking too. Here is a list of a few things that I will be putting on here in the near future....

First, I need people to know that the point of what I am putting on this blog is to be a catalyst of thought. I want you to know what God is telling me, and I promise it will either solidify faith and actions that you are doing with Him, or it will force you to find directly from Him why you think I am wrong. Either way, the end result is getting much more intimately closer to God.

Topics as of late... (not your normal church stuff)

1) Aliens, UFO's, and the Nephilim! We are about to experience some interesting and very deceptive stuff. "Science" which I love in its purest form, has unfortunately become a perverse religion that obviously knows more than all other religions. When "visitors" come (they are already here) they will help you better understand the "science" we are being dealt now. All this to say, the visitors are the same as those from pre flood days and their goal will be to turn you from God...

2) THE ONLY PLACE WHERE YOU WILL FIND HEALING IS WITH GOD! This statement is not to discredit medicine, it is amazing and the science behind it is awesome! That being said, the religion of science is rapidly taking over in many areas! This was best made evident during the battle of COVID lockdowns and the subsequent COVID Vaccine. We will talk more...

3) This religion I speak of regarding science can easily be explained. When the scientific method is followed and understood, it's great. When that method is not followed, and the stuff ("theory") taught goes from A to B without a solid factual line between the two and then B becomes "Law" based solely on general consensus and is rapidly taught as a fact, there is a major deceptive problem. This problem stems from a the antichrist religious teachings. This religion is best pictured with a full understanding of what we have for many years call Communism.

4) Russia, Ukraine, or none of the above? Where should we stand? Just FYI... we don't stand or help either side! Here is the problem, the only people that are more evil than the Ukraine Government and the Russian Government in this war is the Untied States government! Pleas note that I say "government" and not necessarily the people. I would be willing to conjecture that the majority of the combined citizens from all three nations are not in support of any of this but have been thrust in to a war in which the greatest instigator of all is the United States.

5) What is love? The answer is simple and yet I will not be able to ultimately encompass it when I write on this. That answer is God. He is love, He is the origin of love, and He is the calibration of love. If what you believe to be love does not match Him, then it is not love. Period... Let's find the best picture of love we can from scripture.

6) This one though mentioned last in this list will very likely be my next post. I have an extreme need to explain to people that concept of familiar spirits and how they are plaguing you and though you say you hate it, you are the enabling factor as to why they stay around you. We must make these things go away and we must stop resting with them because of the fact that we have grown so comfortable with them around.

These may come tomorrow or over the next couple months, but they will come. 


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