Somethings Coming!

A friend of mine sent me this stating that it reminded him of me. I had to laugh because it also reminded me of me. There is more to the story but the question is, are you prepared for the known as well as the unknown? Are you doing what you are called to do all the while seeking God to become better at it? I hope that is the case...

This conversation has come up a lot lately… Things around the world are heating up. The truth on any subject is hard to find due to opinion pieces, news media that seems bought off by governments, corporations, or simply deceived by the need for the best ratings. A situation can take place and there are always numerous interpretations on “the facts of the matter.” How would it ever be possible for a common man such as myself to know the validity of the piece that is being presented? (The answer is the Holy Ghost.)  We have a very obvious shift in the politics of our country, or at the very least we have the perception that this is true. Human nature means that the majority will follow what they believe to be the strongest and “winning” side of any situation, with a minority human nature response to fully reject the ideals presented. Somewhere in between those two responses is the truth. I’m sure somewhere there is an official documented psychological experiment that proves this statement, as its existence seems very obvious to me from toddlers on up. The primary rhetoric is antichrist in nature, almost exclusively. The power of the pro-abortion lobby as well as the push from the LGBQT crowds, the justification of the massive “anti-race, or anti-fascist” protests, that were by constitutional standards, acts of war or terrorism and NOT 1st amendment protected grievances. Worse yet is a worldly gospel that seems to be dominating the church as is only partially evidenced by numerous LGBTQ clergy justifying their favorite sins as accepted in the eyes of God, has clearly shown an anti-christ agenda on the docket. Oh, and I failed to mention that all of this fits perfectly within the tenants of Communism (though it goes by numerous other names and has many promising justifications).

Here is my question to you… As this stuff takes over daily life and affects us more than many may even see, what are YOU doing about it? I speak as though “you” are one who claims Christianity. I am tired of the argument that “God is in control”. Or “Who are you to think you can change God’s plan?” Here is something that scripture clearly teaches. God is absolutely in control, and one of the many ways that He is guiding and “controlling” things is by commanding His children to obey what He has called on them to do, and walk in the power and authority that comes with being a child of Royalty! He expects this to be done with His Holy Spirit in, and on, you! We were originally placed in the Garden of Eden to work for Him and manage His garden! We are commanded to preach the Gospel to every person in all the Earth! We are commanded, and ultimately are given the privilege to Pray, meaning speak directly to the King! We are called to pray some more, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, help the poor, love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you, love the Lord with all your heart, mind, strength, and spirit, everyday, all the time, and this will be evident by the fact that you will be obedient to Him and His desires. NONE of this life is blindly sitting back as the world runs full force straight in to the arms of Hell and thinking “God is in control, I don’t need to do the Truth.” I'll just go to my church and listen to someone else talk and join some of their groups that don't have any power or authority from the King.

What does this mean about our daily life? For once I feel that I understand a piece of the reason that the Apostle Paul suggested remaining single and just serving God. If I had no family to care for, my service would be easier. Unfortunately, or not, I am a person who struggles in life without my Female Helpmeet, and I am pretty fond of my little guy as well. I know the pain of losing a child and how hard that pain can hit you in the gut the moment you hear they are dead. My saving grace is, if that were to happen to my wife and/or son, God would be my strength and my peace once again. I have been there before and it is a great place to be. But for now, they are alive. I have a responsibility to help and protect them. This means when I drive from point A to point B with my boy in the truck, and somewhere in between, a line of Antifa or Trump protestors is stopping traffic and they are shaking and beating on the stopped vehicles, I have a choice to make. Number one on that determination list is the will of God, or at the very least it should be. A very close second is that this little boy will remain unharmed and if something other than this occurs... what is my next step, and to what level of violence will I need to escalate? Because it is the will of God to protect babies! Unfortunately this is a real thought process and something that I train for both mentally and physically. That does not mean this is something that I dwell on, or allow to bring fear in to my life, it's just something that I need to have prepped in my toolbox of random possibilities.

What happens when our supply chains stop and the conveniences we have become accustom to vanish? I knew people that ran out of toilet paper during the crazy COVID TP panic of 2020. What happens when instead of TP it is water, power, and fuel? I can make a lot of things work for the wiping of my butt! I may struggle to find replacements for clean water or the ability to drive or operate useful appliances. When I speak like this, many people that I know, even Christian people, often think that I am paranoid to some extent or that this kind of stuff will never happen in our country. I really hope they are correct! But when disaster strikes and the breakdown of these systems occurs, what will our convenient American life become and what will you do? We rely very heavily on our conveniences and most of us take them for granted since we have generally had them our entire lives. Are you ready for some change? On one hand, there have been fears like this for thousands of years that have not come to fruition for many people, but don’t forget that one day the people in Nagasaki, or Hiroshima were going about daily life and in an instant we changed that for them permanently… you know, the American “good guys” who killed more women and children than we would like to admit? 

Look back on hurricane Katrina! The storm hits, and its Mad Max for an allowed time until things could get better, and our own government was disarming people who were simply protecting their own stuff from looters and thieves! But that could never happen here right? There is no place that you can hide from God, and the only way to hide from the forces of Hell is in God. What are you going to do when the SHTF and those neighbors that thought you were paranoid realize that you may still be willing to let them stay with you "so they can help you" of course... and a few months after the apocalypse they arrive at your place with some of their cousins and family who escaped with them? Are you ready for the mental stresses? Maybe you have depression, allergies, or illnesses, and are heavily reliant on medication to get you through life from month to month? Well… there is a lot to that loaded statement. What do you do when that supply chain is cut? Don’t think its that unlikely either! After the COVID debacle the pharmacies were either not providing off label medications like Ivermectin because they were pressured from the government and pharma, or they ran out of cough syrups, antibiotics, and other common items because so many were utilizing them. This literally happened numerous times even just this year!

Trust God! He is in control, but that does not mean you do not have an active job to do. You will be tested, and the scriptures state that during the final tribulation that the beast will be given the authorization to kill the saints of God! If you are a believer, that is you! The scripture states that those who take the mark of the beast will NOT be saved and they will belong to the Beast himself! There is no rapture that will take you away before this 3.5 year rough spell comes along. Scripture states that this time will be the worst ever experienced in all of Earths history! That is saying a lot… read the book Ordinary Men about Reserve Battalion 101 in Germany during WWII. That was awful, and this period of time will be worse than that according to scripture. This time may literally be just around the corner and the only way out may be death. My guess is that death will be welcomed by most when it finally comes, but we must still walk a Christian walk, and talk a Christian talk during this entire spiritual war. I must get up, I must choose Christ, and I must make that evident to Him in my actions. I must fight evil and destroy it! I must comfort, encourage, and still lead with strength into the great unknown, knowing only that God is with me and I shall not succumb to the fears and emotions trying to stop me. It's time to stand up in Jesus Name!

After all that I have written here, I must not worry, for what will worrying accomplish other than feeding fear and growing more gray hair, but my natural response will almost always fight that which the Spirit of God is hoping to accomplish in me. Just stop fighting God! You have a zero percent chance of winning! Trust that His will for you is to strengthen His Kingdom and make His will known here on Earth. You are to show the spirits that are with God as well as those who have fallen that men and women everywhere who have been soaked in the love of God will happily give their own lives right back to Him. I just hope we listen and follow! 

Sorry this is somewhat disjointed. I have so much going through my head right now and I feel an urgency to get it out to others. I see deep seated spiritual attacks taking place on neighbors and friends, some of whom don't see it and others who are learning how to deal with it. God we need you! Please God do not leave us! Please God help us walk, run, and fight for You!


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