The Battle of Satanic Religion

During the COVID "pandemic" we saw something different in our society. We saw the religion of science become the law of the land and it was preached by our pope, Dr Fauci and spread by our bishops and priests throughout the medical community. We saw mandated government sanctioned treatments of the illness and made fun of those like me who saw this differently. We saw the strongest drive for vaccination in world history, and legal pushes forcing people to wear masks that have no, or minimal, scientific evidence of helping stop an airborne virus. I can tell you this that there is absolutely zero science suggesting that 6' distancing does a damn thing helpful. Now we are seeing that the vaccine is responded very poorly to many, and there is great evidence that it is literally killing or disabling a high percentage of those that receive it. I HAVE SEEN SOME OF THIS WITH MY OWN EYES and feel that the Holy Spirit Himself has confirmed my stance on it. I put this meme up because I find it funny and disturbing and far more true than many may think. Call me a conspiracy theorist, or a nut job, I really don't care anymore. If you want people like me to stop this fight, just do what Karl Marx teaches in his glorious manifesto, reeducate me, and when that too does not work kill me dead. Or just start with the latter and save time and wasted efforts. 

 Communism, by any name that it goes by is a Satanic form of religion, philosophy, and government.

If someone says that we must spread our wealth and make it fair for all as well as ease the suffering of the poor and needy. There is Gods way to make that happen and then there are Satanic ways to make that happen. Gods way says if you have wealth it is God that has provided you with that wealth or the means to acquire that wealth. God asks that the maker of that wealth to voluntarily give of their possessions, not solely limited to money, to those who are in need of help. But He also is not ok with the enabling of people to remain at rock bottom and this is evidenced multiple times throughout scripture. One clear reference is when Paul states that if a man does not work, he does not eat. The point of Godly giving recognizes that fact that all can benefit society positively and in different ways and it can be mitigated by the affect that the Holy Spirit has on the body, soul, and spirit of the human.

The Satanic way can be manifested in a thousand other situations, but it seems the most common for us now is that the government will tax you for that money a hundred ways and then spend it on things that often enable the receiver to remain subject too the government, and less productive to society. This creates a situation where the wealth of product and finance is robbed from the maker (theft) and given to the poor in order to keep them poor as well as keep their eyes on the government and away from God.

God teaches how to have the best possibility of a successful life and family. He teaches that obedience to parents and holy authorities is a must. He teaches that education, diet, and exercise, as well as concern for ones neighbors, and the necessity to focus on that which He has determined to be “good” are premium fuels for becoming strong. God teaches that the formation of what has been called the “nuclear” family with God at its center and the flowing structure of authority that comes from the Biblical picture creates the greatest opportunity for success in the endeavor of accomplishing the stuff I have already mentioned. Scripture teaches that marriage is between a biological male and a biological female, and that there are certain roles and responsibilities that are set for the mother and father to bring in a healthy batch of children. This process is all intertwined with the power and authority of God and thus will absolutely be attacked. In the words of Jesus Himself, they will treat you like they treated Me. So why would we not expect to see our collapsing society lean towards a more satanic way?

In the communist life they (the government) seeks to break the bonds of that which God considers Holy, even to plant seeds of confusion about what is and is not a gender or sex. The belief glorifies one central thing that will resonate in every example I write on here. Man is god. Or better yet, now that we are not clear as to what is man and what is woman, humanity is god. One characteristic common of all gods, including the King of them all is that they are to be obeyed and worshiped. This makes the perfect potting soil for all the evil seeds that need to be planted and grown to maturity. Break down biblical marriage, break down what is perverse and what is not and let people feel how some of the perverse seems to be pleasing to the flesh. Now make it something that is accepted in society. Take the authority structures down in the nuclear family. Weaken the husbands position by falsely strengthening the wife’s position through the arts of feminism. Take the power of marriage away by turning it in to a farce of gender politics and abuse. Take the authority of the parents away from them and place it in the government who will utilize their schools to distance the children from those whom God has created to be the leaders and support system of the kids. Make sin fun and something people are willing to fight for instead of recognizing that sin is thousands of times more addictive than methamphetamines and opiates. These are clearly taking place, and have actually overcome that which is from God in this country.

Science and education are absolutely beautiful things. They are key components to creating a good society. Teach children how to think, how to search and research the world we live in. Make them strong at mathematics and understanding how to communicate individually as well as with crowds of people. Teach them the foundations of healthy diets and the need for exercise and sleep. We must learn how to deal with stress and to help those around us. I am very pro education! God is pleased with those who are educated to better serve humanity and to help those unable to help themselves either due to mental impairment or situations that may have taken its toll on their lives. Education is good, but just like nearly everything the government touches, especially as we sink deeper and deeper in the ideals of socialism, the stuff being taught is taught to break up the plan God has for humanity. Schools are now supporting the agendas that Satan has utilized over thousands of years with ample evidence of mass failure every time people buy in to it. Science, as beautiful as it can be has been manipulated into the facts of man that should be mandated to govern. The schools are teaching very Satanic subjects as well as encouraging and supporting sexual activity outside of biblically accepted marriage. They are teaching kids to distance themselves from their parents authority yet hiding that from being spoken out loud to their faces.

I have come to a clear standpoint in my life. The God of the Holy Bible is God. Call Him what you want, Jehovah, Yahweh, Jesus, Elohim, Adonai, El…. There is One God and His Way is the One Way that we are to be seeking. It will not be an easy walk and it will not be simple as I think that is already clearly evident. His call is for us to come to Him. Our job is to become obedient lovers of God! We are to find what He loves and love that. We are to find what He hates and hate that. We are to deal with challenges and situations the way He would and overcome the natural desires of our flesh to do so. There is literally only One Way that you may enter the Holy of Holies, the place where God rests and will meet with you here on Earth. I understand how crazy this seems to many. I used to feel the same way, but I have had for too much direct contact with Gods presence to see that He is absolutely in charge. I will not allow the lies being orchestrated by society, main stream media, and the education system to modify this understanding. Without the Holy sacrifice of Jesus there is no forgiveness of sins and if there is no forgiveness of sins you will not and can not meet the King. Jesus Jesus Jesus… not allah, muhammad, joseph smith, buddha, krishna, nor any other name under Heaven can save you. Jesus came first for the Jews and unless they accept Him, they too can not find salvation. Jesus then sent His people to reach out to the Gentiles and bring in any that were willing to come. There will be another great calling of the Jewish people, this the reason their culture is constantly under attack from enemies everywhere including within. If you claim Christianity I encourage you to make your stand. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the Light that shines everywhere He is taken and there is no darkness that can remain when He is around. Christianity is the religion of the King of kings, and Lord of lords and any other is somehow linked to the opposition of God. Their religion will very likely fulfill part of the communist manifesto, which ultimately was already in effect long before Karl Mark wrote it.

If you are bored, please read The Naked Communist by Cleon Skousen it is a very good historical read about communism and how we must combat it. I may not agree with everything that Mr. Skousen believes or stands for, but its a very education book that will help shed light on what we are seeing today in the world.    


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