The Climb!
Guess what? Without question, adultery is sin, even if it is accepted and approved by the parties involved. Fornication is sin, even when it is consensual, and even if you are committed to each other or engaged to be married, this includes all oral sex and hands on sexual acts. Homosexual relations are a sin, even if you believe yourself to be married as that is not a marriage that is recognized as acceptable by God. Right and wrong, good and evil, righteousness and sin, is determined by the One who set this planet in motion and placed the borders on it. All of the sin that I have mentioned is forgivable, and does not have to be the end all signature and representative of who you are. We all sin! We all fall short of the glory of God! But the primary scripture that makes this statement is not the written excuse from our Father in Heaven to justify our sins or give the ok to continue in them. Nor does it negate the fact that we are to continually become better at what we do, why we do it, and who we are. The problem is that we are immersed into a very toxic culture of lies, manipulations, and satanic interpretations of the scriptures. None of this is going away anytime soon, we must learn how to navigate it! As a full immersion baptism in water leaves us soaked to the bone with the H2O that we were just dipped in, we are also being covered with the satanic slime that is spewed on a regular basis everywhere around us due to this societal baptism. To some extent this is unavoidable, but it's not something that we are not equipped to deal with in the power of God. It is the primary reason God continually mentions the need to study the scriptures and to pray. It is even more enhanced when you become baptized with the Holy Spirit. Not so side-note... The teachings of "cessation" are every bit as much sin as the above mentioned perversions, and may actually be worse than them as possible blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, but I will leave that one for another day.
What will you believe? Will you lean towards the worldly teachings and satanic manipulations of the scriptures? Will you support the concepts of Chrislam? Will you encourage and support the LGBTQ agendas in the name of the Christ? Or, will you love them as Christ has taught us to love them and be true to the fact that those alternate lifestyles are literally the reprobate mind manifesting itself in a failed nation? Trust me on this one, it will absolutely get worse, and in the end it will appear as though the true Christian faith will lose. It will be a bloody mess for those who choose the Christ. There is hope for a while for those who follow the worldly gospel of "hyper-grace and love", for a time the world will accept you and glorify your god, especially when you accept sin as something that is good. It's just that your god, is not the same as my God, and when this God of mine returns, He will deal with the satanic junk we have perpetuated and He will deal with you glorify it instead of fight against it.
I can't count how many parents I have had the opportunity to talk too and pray with regarding their wayward children. Raising kids in todays day and age here in our country is really difficult. We have so many conveniences, and trust far too much in our overly anti-christ government to help raise our kids right. We are feeding our children in to the mouths of hungry lions, those who have not been aborted already that is. I do not even really have a great answer from God on the reasons why some kids raised by animalistic parents turn into great adults and some kids that are raised by parents who seem to have things dialed in turn in to monsters. The only single notable item is true salvation in their lives. This is a topic of which I have done a lot of looking into by reading books from some very smart people on the subject. Even when its done right sometimes things just fall apart. Our kids have come up in a very very communist public school system. When I say "communist" here, it is synonymous with the unnamed title of the Gospel of Satan. When I speak like this, I immediately lose half of the people I speak too, and yet it is literally showing itself in the daily news and in the lives of these kids of whom I am being asked to pray for with their very confused, hurt, and stressed out parents. Many get angry when I speak like this because I am bashing their favorite gospel message, the one where Satan is good and God is bad. As parents we place so much time and so much love into our kids (as we should) that when they go astray it's painful. We place a very high value on those lives that we created, held, and trained for so many years. There are many great examples in scripture as to how to do it right and how to do it wrong. Abrahams father was an idol worshiper, he did not follow the God of Noah as his son Abraham ultimately did. Eli the priest had awful sons of whom God called on Eli to discipline and manage and of whom Eli did essentially nothing to stop their atrocities against the people and against God. This cost him his life and the familial loss of the priesthood. Samuel is one of my favorite men mentioned in all of scripture and yet his sons also did not follow in his footsteps. Gideon was amazing, and it was not from his father the idol worshiper that this great faith probably originated. There are literally over a thousand examples of this stuff. There has been one very common failure that I have witnessed in nearly every instance of story time and prayer I have had with these parents... That failure was to deal with the sins in a biblical fashion based on its severity and scope. Here are a few examples.
1) My son is a homosexual. This person was high up on their church staff and even allowed their actively gay son to be on the worship team. His action was not condemned by the church or even by his parents. They believed that it would be better to show him that he was loved and keep him involved in the church where he could ultimately at some point find help. This kid was actively gay, very effeminate, and having sex with other boys. This family respectfully disconnected from me because they did not agree with my advice in its entirety. Love and worship Jesus, condemn the sin and teach repentance, cut him off from any aspect of the worship team, and he is not to be allowed to help with the youth due to demonic sexually perverse behavior. If he continues to openly practice this lifestyle after he has been talked to and prayed with, there will come a time of excommunication. This means that he will be sent to play with the devil until he either comes to Jesus, or goes to Hell. All the while the church should be praying for him with everything they have. They should not regard him as their enemy, but as a brother that is lost and in need of the power of God to lead him back to his created purpose and ultimately to a place of deliverance.
I mean think of it this way, if anyone in a church leadership position was active promiscuous or involved in an active decision to commit adultery would you simply allow them to remain in leadership? I would hope not, and if you disagree, I absolutely question your faith and doctrine.
2) “My son and future daughter-in-law are living together unmarried”. They go to the church and are heavily involved in teaching the youth group. The future daughter-in-law is a basketball coach for 8th grade girls in the public school system as well. Because this young couple was in church leadership and representing Christianity to youth, I felt the need to say something to the boys mother when she was talking about them. She literally laughed off the topic and replied that she wants to see her future grandkids and thus she was not going to piss her son off over something so insignificant. I responded that this was not an insignificant situation because these kids (19 to 21 ish in age) were direct representatives of Christ to church youth and public school youth, and that you (the parent) will have blood on your hands for the many that they lead astray by their actions because you knew they were wrong and said nothing. Not to mention the higher church leadership also said nothing! This was an Eli, Phineas, and Hophnea moment that absolutely needed dealt with! For those of you who disagree with me on this and claim stuff like Jesus would not judge this way etc. You are wrong, very wrong! Don't forget His story about the Millstone and drowning in the sea when it comes to leading these babies away. He takes this very serious, and these kids, as well as the adults around them allowed their cultural slime to be the judge instead of scripture and a love for God. Their mistake will destroy faith, not build it up. This family also had a younger male child. This kid about two years later got his high school girlfriend pregnant. I believe they were 15 or 16 years of age. I do not know the details of this and was never included in any prayer requests. My question would be did the handling of the older brothers infidelities play a part in this latter situation?
3) There have been hundreds of parents worried about their suicidal children, or whose children took it to the next level like Lexi did and killed themselves. The culture is leading kids on a fast track to death by suicide and every piece of the bait they swallow along the way is making it easier to convince them they should die. It truly is a satanic attack. The only hope that I see is the literal power of God making a change, and for the most part the person needs to make the effort to find that power. But the adults, specifically the maturing Christians need to help teach people and guide people to the place where this is found, at the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I am convince that the only reason that I am personally alive today is this connection. For the past 5 years of my life I was literally hearing the voice of a suicidal demonic entity. It was likely the one that spoke to my daughter and he is a very convincing spirit with a lot of power and control over those who buy in to his lies. It was God who protected me and it was God who delivered me of the doors I had opened allowing this creep in to my life. This was a big enough deal to me that I know the date it was removed... May 21, 2022. I include this paragraph for two main reasons, we need to fight for these kids, and adults for that matter, who are plunging in to the darkness and this is partially done by clearly defining sin and showing the consequences. The second is to let others know that these issues are not unique to them alone. This is a massive scale of spiritual combat against humanity and it is a really tough battle. Ask God to help you close doors that you have opened, fix wrings, and seek repentance where it is needed as to find forgiveness. There will be many more deaths in the near future. Trust me on this one. One of the key open doors for the voices of death is sexual perversion. Pornography, sexual acts and encounters, incest and rape, homosexuality, and the like will all be attached to the people who kill themselves. Drugs and alcohol are items that weaken us to open these doors easier, and some drugs offer the additional thinning of the spiritual veil allowing people to meet demons who claim to be God or gods. This is really bad and is becoming VERY common. The suicide rate in the homosexual community is higher some sources say four times higher than those that are not. It is blamed on the stigma but I will respectfully disagree and say it is the open demonic door. Either way, I do not wish suicide or suicidal thoughts on anyone. Depression and its associated medications are also factors that increase death. The world is fighting a battle that they cannot with without the Holy Spirit. Since they hate the real Holy Spirit, then they will absolutely lose this battle and ultimately they will blame God and Gods people. You still need to stand up and reach those who will accept your help. Bring them to the face of God, the foot of the cross, and to a baptism of the Holy Spirit!
It is time to stand up! Use the weapons that God has given you...Spiritual weapons!