The King is Coming!
For nearly two thousand years there has been the expectation of the return of the Christ by the Christian believers. Numerous times throughout history the Christian Church felt that the times were ripe for the glorious return. They were wrong, He has not come back yet... but, His Spirit is here now. The times once again feel ripe for His return. For the first time since the Tower of Babel it has become easy to clearly communicate with any language known to man through apps on our phones. We have governments that are trying to establish a world power system and if you know anything about a unified command, there is always the need for a single point of leadership, or incident commander. The prophecies mentioned in the Book of Daniel and the The Book of Revelation are lining up. Matthew 23 and 24 as well as Zechariah 14 are all painting pictures of things going on in the world today. I believe that is is very likely we are moving rapidly toward the final and great tribulation of the people of God. The Mark of the Beast, whatever it may truly be seems to be staining on the horizon if it's not here already. And what are we as believers called to do if this is that time? Some may tell me, that you are overreacting, some may say that I am right on, some may call me a lunatic... Ok? I don't care what people call me in regards to the subject of Jesus my King and Friend. You know what believers are called to do right now, regardless of my feelings are right or wrong, we are called to be fruitful, multiply, subdue, and have dominion. We are called to make disciples of all nations, tribes, and tongues, we are called to be working the same call that we have had from birth. When the Master returns, let Him find us working. Even if were are those that are being killed and tortured by the world and the false Christian Church that will be traveling the same path as the rest of the world.
How do you make disciples? You talk to people, and you talk about your God as matter of factly as you would talk about the air that you breathe. When you hear from Heaven, speak it loudly from the housetops, pray with everyone you meet that will let you pray for them. Spend time asking God to teach you about the power and authority you have been commissioned to walk in. Destroy evil, love God, and do as He asks.
The time seems to be near. The AntiChrist may already be planning his move to world leadership. When he gets there, he will Winn millions, if not billions, over with flattery. He will place himself above the throne of the God of his fathers and he will blaspheme the Holy Name. Sometime around this point he will be granted the authority to go to war with the lovers of the God of Heaven and will even be allowed to kill them! This will darken the days of Earth for 3.5 years while the ground soaks up the blood of the holy ones. Our prayers must be for endurance, faith, and closeness to the King.
For now, I pray that we may somehow find joy in whatever trials that lie ahead as well as the strength to do what needs done in order to be obedient children to our God.
This message has been written because I have to get it out of me or it feels like it will explode. It pokes at my fears and weaknesses. It highlights the multitudes of areas where I fall short. But it also excites me, because time is moving faster and we are going to be tested to an extreme end. We will see things that will change us forever, things that may be ugly and hard to handle. The one thing I know is that the closest I have ever been with God is in the middle of the greatest adversity I have faced thus far, and though the gut wrenching nausea that came with that period of life was terrible, it was greatly outweighed by the presence of God. We all need to find that place with Him, the only thing keeping you back is you, and you alone are in control of that place.
Here we go, it's time to live the life of a man or woman of faith. It's time to be the son or daughter of our Father in Heaven that puts a smile on His face and changes the ground we walk on. Adios!