Here Comes the Tribulations!

Lord, I pray for courage. You know my fears and my weaknesses better than I do, I also remember my failures and the shock that I felt failing again and again just when I thought I was getting something figured out. I hear the lies from Satan telling me to quit and that I was never cut out to be a child to the Most High God. Well, guess what... God is still God, and God is still in control of this whole process with or without me, and I will do my part to work for Him as long as I live. I will receive what He offers me and I will pass this love down to my son and pray for the time in which I will see Him in a place unlike Earth, where Lexi can teach me of all that she has learned and tell me the truth about the Theory of Relativity that we were discussing just days before Satan was able to sift her from our lives. God, I love You and have from the moment I learned You were real. I am sorry for the difficulties I have often caused but I need You! Fill me and those reading this now with Your HOLY SPIRIT! Break us and make us whole in You!

Wanna know something funny... If I believe in the God who claims to be the author of the 66 books in the current Bible, as well as a couple still out there, then He has one pretty clear Grand Finale at the point of His return. Seconds before He is making Himself known across the universe, it will look like Satan has won. It will seem as though all is lost, the world will be in bad shape, the children of God will have been slaughtered for their spiritual bloodlines and the remaining people will be enamored by the spirits that are soon to be eternally burning in Hell. The scriptures speak of issues with the luminaries, with deceit, and with perversion. From the Christian perspective it is pretty obvious as to why this is taking place. The closer a society is to the King the better behaved that society will be and the further that society moves from God the more demonic the behavior. There is much more depth to that because we often allow movies to guide what we see as good vs. evil, which is wrong most of the time. Just know that as it was in the day of Noah, so it will be at the return of Jesus Christ. In the times of Noah it was violent, perverse, and constantly evil. God destroyed it all while keeping 8 people and numerous animals protected. He then gave the gift of a rainbow as a promise that He would never flood the Earth again in such a way. Now the rainbow is used as a direct insult to the same God and is a sign of the ushering in of a new era. Perversion will be the norm, as will the continuation, if not the increase, of abortions worldwide. We will halt freedom in the name of safety, and peace, and health (for the people of course) and yet with every breath we take the serpent will squeeze just a little tighter preventing another breath. It's happening as we speak! Let the games begin! It's scary, it's sad, but it's also a mandatory precursor to life with the Greatest King of kings to ever exist. It changes nothing about the commands we have been given from Genesis 1. Be fruitful, multiply, subdue, and have dominion! Love the Lord God with ALL of you Heart, ALL of your Strength, ALL of your Mind, and ALL of your Spirit! Only then, can a human fulfill the desires and will of God in their life and love their neighbor and enemies along the Way! Choose the narrow path and walk with and for God. All we have to do is on a daily basis commit ourselves to the practice of walking in Truth, Shining the Light of God (which means attacking sin all you hyper grace people out there), and living in the power and authority granted to the Children of God from the King Himself! I pray for us all! 

I will end it with this... It's a message God gave me in a lesson a while back. In the lesson I was being spat on by the people around me for the Gospel I was delivering. It seems that they hated how different it is than the lessons they had learned here in the established churches. I went to ask God why they were spitting on me and it was then that I realized they were spitting in His face and the spittle that was hitting me was dripping off of His chin as I lay at His feet just hoping to survive. They hate my Dad! I love Him, and I trust Him, and I will be found working for Him, His Way when He returns! I hope you do the same! 


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