Simply Put...

Let me try to make this Gospel (Good News) message as simple as possible...

Love God with everything; all of your heart, all of your mind, all of your strength, and all of your spirit...

When you do this you will desire to become more obedient to Him, not out of fear, but out of a loving desire to be a pleasing child to the most loving Father in existence.

Hate sin with every piece of your being!

Truly loving the Creator God means that sin must be hated. It can no longer be propagated or supported in your life no matter how much you struggle with the battle. All sin kills us, and separates us from the God who loves us, and to walk in sin is our choice!

There is only One God! Don't make this harder than it has to be... God is a Spirit, His thoughts, emotions, and desires (will), is personified as the Father, His physical appearance on Earth is Jesus (Yeshua) (The Angel of the Lord), and His literal deepest presence is His Holy Spirit. This is broken down simply so we can have a basic means to understand the God who literally Created EVERYTHING!!!

No man can be saved without submission to Jesus. Nor can any man work His way to Heaven! If Jesus is not used as the only doorway, you are not saved. Saved means saved from the consequences of your sin. Death and separation from God are the consequences of your sin. There is only One God, follow Him, worship Him, love Him, and walk the path that you were destined to follow. Christianity is literally the hardest and most rewarding thing I have done to this point in my life. Make the decision now! You are never promised another day... God will speak to you, He will fill you with His Spirit! Seek Him! 

