Sold Out On Conspiracy!


This is a pretty good video that should help you start the thinking process. You better start asking God about this stuff!

I know the church argument that is regularly thrown at me when I discuss the things the Holy Ghost shows me. They respond with "God is in control." "Why would you worry about any of this?" "You are paranoid." "You are a conspiracy theorist!", and many others... I love this!!! When I first became Christian I felt that a few of the people close to me that represented Christ were conspiracy nuts! Well... I was wrong, they were hearing from God about things that were not commonly known in the general public. Everything they talked about has come true. They were hearing from God. One the past 20 years this has also been the case with many of the things I now believe. In late 2019, early 2020 when the COVID stuff was hitting us the hardest, I went to God. I asked Him many specific questions about this virus. He clearly answered me and I listened. The world went crazy and did things, believed things, etc. that were absolutely nuts. They have no idea how much of their freedom they surrendered in the process. God did tell me during that time that round one (COVID) was a test. Round two would be the real deal and to be prepared for it. That wave will be bad! 

If you struggle with these things, I highly recommend that you get to being filled with the Holy Spirit. The world is changing, and though I am only aware of the things that God shows me, I trust Him to do what I am to do and there is no promise that means that I will live, die, or be tortured. That is the place where it is given to God and I will just trust Him. He has asked His people, ALL OF THEM, to be aware of the season and signs of the times. He has called His people, ALL OF THEM, to go to work for the Kingdom. Most that I meet don't even know what that is or they are working with philosophical systems, or scientific 12 step processes that are NOT leading people to Christ. There is not 3 point sermon, or 12 step process that leads people to the place where they touch God and become His. I have spoken with hundreds of people who have left addiction through a 12 step program. Few, if any, of them have been delivered of their demons and the difference between the person pre 12 step and post 12 step is that instead of going to Hell addicted to drugs or alcohol, they will go to Hell addicted to their new laws of the program they attended. I am happy your mind may be more clear and you feel you find strength in the people and program and your imaginary higher power, but you need the Holy Ghost! We all need the Holy Ghost! I understand the frustration what I am saying causes you. Well, I really want you to find the Truth in Jesus Christ and the power, authority, and healing that accompanies it. As good as your program makes you feel, I will promise you that meeting God face to face will blow it out of the water!

The deal is that we are the tools of God here on Earth! We are placed here to manage this place from the environment to the animals to the people, including the babies that we suck from the womb at their most vulnerable phase of life. We must DO THE TRUTH! We must walk the walk AND talk the talk. We are ALL called to preach the gospel. We are all called to help those in need. We are ALL called to DO CHRISTIANITY! As I had written about in the previous Conspiracy blog Christianity is the biggest conspiracy theory the world has ever encountered! All I can say is you better start asking God some questions. 

I recommend the book I will link at the end of this post. A while back God had me read more books in a two year period than I have read in my entire life previous to this assignment. This is one that I read. It touches on the subject of situations that were considered "conspiracy theories" that were later proven to be fact. God used this book in a lesson that showed me that communism is simply the satanic religions doctrine and form of government. This helped me understand something supernatural that God was showing me utilizing physical events. So... Here we go!
