The Conspiracies of the Past are Becoming Truth on a Near Daily Basis
One day, there will be no pay phones around! You will be able to talk face to face from a video phone that is smarter than every computer you have in your school combined. Your phones will be utilized to track your movements both from the towers that provide them the link they need for calls as well as programs within the phone that can be traced by the Federal governments and many others. You will be able to use your phone as a wallet for digital dollars and electronic coins that don't even have a physical existence! These coins will be worth $20,000 to $100,000. You will have unlimited videos and movies and connections to people 24 hrs a day 7 days a week and you will be able to order nearly any item in the world and have it brought right to your doorstep, even way out in the backwoods!
"Nah dude, you're full of crap!"
Many years ago on a social media platform that I am very happily no longer a part of, I got into a heated debate with some family members who hold opposing views to my own. This is ok on one hand, and terrible on another. What I mean by that is the diverse thoughts and opinions are good to help me solidify what I believe, and why I believe it. The problem part is that the opposing opinions are people destined for Hell and I would wish that separation from God on no one, I want them to meet God! The argument was about the cultural acceptance of homosexuality and many of the associated issues that come with it. This person is a homosexual person and is married to another female. The argument from my end was calm, but the things I was saying irritated them greatly and thus escalated their emotions and anger towards me and my beliefs. I truly do wish that these people I was speaking to would hear the truth and I have some understanding on their situation based on the limited knowledge I have of their past, and yes, I believe the Gospel to be the Truth! From sexual abuse, life involved in a cult religion, and going through a few marriages while they were young they have some deficiencies. They were raised through a very liberal and crazy public school system with no real direct contact with the God of the Bible. The deck seems stacked against them, so I will not give up on remaining being kind to them without sacrificing the Gospels truth as well as my relationship with the God of that Gospel.
In this discussion I explained that I can not walk as a Christian in this world if I support sin in any way, and a church is not right with God if it supports sin in any way either. If a church is displaying a rainbow it better be in recognition of the fact that God used it as a symbol that He would never destroy all of humanity with a flood due to their violence and evil, and not in support of homosexuality which is highly sinful and not to be promoted or protected by the authority of the church! This is often misunderstood by most. I still struggle with my own sin, I still have willful sin in my life, as well as sins out of ignorance. I am not sin free in any way, but I still fight that sin in my own life on a daily basis to progressively become better at living a life that would be pleasing to God. The scriptures teach us that we are called to judge all things and all people in a righteous way. Jesus was the greatest example of this. If you want a more clear teaching of this let me know, it's very clear throughout scripture that not only are we called to judge, we are required to judge! This stance was obviously offensive to people who are living as a lesbian married couple, and seem to absolutely hate the things of a Holy God and Creator. A question that I asked was "What guidelines should we utilize as the solid line of what is right and what is wrong that comes from an authority that clearly stands above us, and has the right and authority to make that determination. I make the assertion that it is the God of the Bible who claims that He is the King of kings and Lord of Lords, and has proven such to me clearly over the time I have believed in His existence. They do not believe that, and there are many millions, maybe billions, in agreement with them as well. So what do we do as a society that has a chasm of disagreement that can never mix? They gave the common argument that society makes the decision, inferring the people and the government, but I do not feel that is a good example. Which society should govern it? We are a diverse nation with nearly every religion on the planet here including atheists, which in many ways is the worst most prideful religion out there. So who decides right and wrong, good and evil? Most would agree that murder is evil and wrong, yet many of them would not see a problem with aborting a baby, which is the murder of a baby according to God. I said I would take their logic and run with it anyway. At the time there was a book out called How to Be a Pedophile and there was obvious controversy on the topic. This subject angered them, the thought that I would make such a comparison to them was evil, which in the light of the discussion is somewhat comical to me that they would feel that way about me. But I asked, why is it wrong if society determines right and wrong, Good and Evil? If there were a large enough group of the people who felt this way why should it not be allowed? I mean the author apparently claims that if the child likes what they are doing and it feels good and makes them happy why is it bad and wrong? They want it legalized! Another argument at the time was that Denmark was becoming a place where people could go to have sex with animals. Is this also wrong? Why? And who says so? For me the answer to this stuff is crystal clear. God makes it crystal clear in His writing and in the discussions He and I have in prayer. Trust me, I get the difficulty at times. He also says that lust, adultery, murder, lying, stealing, and the like, are also sin on the same level as homosexuality and beastiality. I will say that there is a greater place of sin with pedophillia and murder by abortion because God holds the protections of those who cannot protect themselves at a higher level of responsibility. I mean, God says mess with the kids and it would be better for you to drown with a giant concrete block tied around your neck than to deal with the judgment he will bring on you (very paraphrased)! He takes their protection serious! Well... This ended the argument. Another lady got on and began to irrationally fight me and I just stopped as it was going nowhere but an emotional outburst at that point.
I am saying all this because I am now seeing it come to fruition on a larger level. From the rise of promiscuous sex, likely after the advent of birth control in the 60's, sex lost its primary function of procreation and became recreation. I even heard someone the other day call the formation of a baby an "accident" of a sexual encounter. From a biblical perspective this is WAY off! As the sexual revolution in the United States took off so did the perversions. The 70's, the 80's, the 90's, and in to the 2000's. Here we are in 2023 and look what dominates the news. Men are becoming women, and women are becoming men. People dress up as babies in diapers for sexual gratification, and others are "furry's". I was told the story of kids at our local high school who believe themselves to be animals and have actually pooped on the floor in the library where it is apparently somewhat allowed as not to offend them. The men are doing sexual drag shows for children, and here is the biggest kicker, that these shows are major problem... The government is very often protecting them, even promoting them! What have we become and where will we take it? At this point I see two possible non specific outcomes. We take it to its finality where Satan gets his way and it will ultimately turn people 100% away from God leading them to the cliffs of Hell as his right hand, or by the grace and mercy of God we will experience a war or major natural disaster such as a Cascadia Earthquake that will force people to a place where they realize that they need God and will return to Him through the suffering and helping of others in need. We will never see the return of a "great" America and we must change our focus to look for the return of Jesus as our priority, all the while proselytizing like crazy along the way to the return of Christ. We are in for some crazy stuff in the near future and I believe that it is going to require a baptism in the Holy Spirit to overcome and persevere it all.
So why this story? Well, it's unfolding before us as wee live our lives. We have churches flying the rainbow flag in support of homosexuality. We have homosexual clergy. We have Government entities unable to set safe lines of right and wrong. We have churches and the United Nations beginning to pave the way for the legalization of pedophillia, and why not... Name me someone who has been a major contributor to Hollywood or Washington DC politics that is not on the Epstein's island list of guests. Holy crap people, it is literally going on right under your nose and many just laugh and don't see it! The detectives and School Resource Officers are overwhelmed with molestation and abuse cases! It is rampant!!! I read one study suggesting that there are more slaves in the modern day sex trade than at any other time in the known history of the world! It is time for us to walk past the water Baptism of John the "Baptist", and let Jesus our Savior baptize us with His Holy Spirit and with Fire from God! WE NEED THIS NOW!