The Need to Occasionally Vent
From my experience, the majority of Christian denominations out there are pretty much dead (Dead in this case is defined as disconnected with the God of Heaven, the supplier of Life). I have tried to examine the early church as described in the New Testament as best as I can. The early church was hearing the voice of God. They were casting out demons, studying scripture from the OT that was continuously proving the experience of what had just taken place with the Messiah, and it continued to prove that Jesus was God, and the final God approved sacrifice. The early church met in small groups and the point was to share their testimonies, show what they had been taught by the Spirit, and pray for guidance and power. They then went out and preached the Gospel, healed the sick, and walked in the power and gifting of the Holy Spirit. The early church was also very persecuted because of this. We have churches today that are more like businesses. Some have boards, some have Pastors who act like CEO’s. I don’t actually care if you have one or the other, they are both basically biblical, and both easily easily directed away from God. Don’t forget that in the day of Jesus that had the Sanhedrin, and when Jesus spoke to the leadership He stated that their father was Satan. We all know the word “Pastor” as the title of a person at the church, we could include Evangelist, as well as Teacher. But why have the other two mentioned church officer positions been made to sound so odd if someone claims to be one. I am speaking of Apostles and Prophets. Do you honestly believe these no longer exist? Well, this message is going to be too short to argue that point for now, but the church in general, at least in this country, is very weak and generally powerless from a spiritual standpoint. Many of the witches that I meet have the ability to cast spells that actually work, and they can conjure spirits to attack, or “help”, the people they are after. Yet the church, which is supposed to be the most powerful entity that contains humans on earth, barely even believes in spirits let alone has the capability to battle them… we are in trouble!
Living a sin free life doesn’t grant you power over Hell, nor does “your ministry”. Walking as the son or daughter of the King of kings does. Im not talking about just thinking you are a child of God, Im talking about actually being a child of God, communicating with Him, and commanding hell’s future leaders (there are the dark spiritual forces mentioned in Ephesians 6.)to stand down from their fight because you not only have the authority and power, but you walk in it with absolute faith. I do not care about the John MacArthurs who vomit the teachings of cessation, I do pray they find the truth before they die, that teaching is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit! I care about the Spirit of God. I care about the effect that He has on you, and the ability for you and I to cast the demons out of those who still have them after 20+ years of living in this tomb of a church that we have allowed to putrefy the world. I have been just as guilty as many of you, I am not praying that you stay fallen, but that you follow the Light to its origin and fix your stuff! The American Christian life is much easier than the real Christian life and at times I too just went with the flow. No longer… 100% of the time that the Holy Spirit was in, on, or around someone throughout all of scripture that person became powerful, worked miracles, fought thousands alone in battle, prophesied, or survived the impossible. Do not tell me that one day you said a prayer that you liked God and then you were saved and filled with the Holy Spirit and yet there is no evidence of the presence of God in you. Im not looking for perfection in you, I am looking for the One who is perfect to be changing you, and I am listening to Him as to what my next step should be!
Take my life as an example… To many of you, especially those who love the established church and believe that it is the Way, I am a very ugly person and an inept leader. I like that title! But… on a near daily basis I hear God. My battle is to become more obedient to Him since He often challenges me in my weakest areas. One of those areas can easily prevent me from my work for God. My desire to be pleasing or liked by my audience. It feels good to be liked and to have people agree with you, but the only One that should matter is God. So He will help me make that happen. My message may be offensive to you, or there even may occasionally be envy due to the fact that God speaks to me and yet I don’t fit the mold of a church going Christian. That used to be a struggle for me, its not now. My job is to go to God, listen to God, and then do what He says. If that makes me look like a whacko, then so be it. One must learn to be kind, and loving, yet have little to no desire to be loved themselves by the people they are called too. Im not saying this is the case for me, I am saying that we are to be so comfortable with God that we would be satisfied if He were the only friend we had in this life. I have a job to do and I want to do it well, but I also am taking spiritual attacks that make it appear as though I don’t care. I do, it just may not be for the things you care about. In the end, I no longer really care about why you feel I should go to your church. I generally do not care about which denomination you go to, or why you think that Wiccans should be accepted by loving people. I do not care if you think that you have to go to church to be saved, which is a lie from Hell, and I do not care if you have it all figured out. I care that you find God and learn to love Him with everything you have. I care that I get better at that myself. I care that it must be sincere, and that’s basically it. If you feel called by God to go to church, go! If you do not feel that calling, I would stay away and find a Spirit filled small home group and then trust that God will show you the things that are off if you are truly seeking Him.
I know this is a bit of a jumbled mess, but the God of the Bible is really good! Jesus is the only Way in to the place He wants you to go. In the Old Testament the sacrifices and actions were literally powerless ceremonies that were honored by God when he saw your motivations were right by His standards. The sacrifice of Jesus was no longer a ceremony. It was the literal death of God in human form for the sole purpose of your salvation! You must place your life in His hands and this part is done by faith the same as it was placed in the animal sacrifices of the past. The biggest difference here is that your action of faith is a real action and the sacrifice was as real as real can be. Jesus was no goat or sheep that took the sins of the people and provided atonement, He was and IS God! This is a very big deal.