We need God!

 At no time from the Creation to the present has there been a place where God has taught humanity to sin, or to condone sin. He has always been in direct opposition to sin. Sin is literally missing His mark. This means that God sets the “mark” that we are to try to accomplish and anything that misses that mark is sin. God does not always make that mark easy for us to hit, but it is His desire that we do. This has been made crystal clear from day one and is just as clear today. 

There are many who do not believe in the God that I claim to believe in. That is scriptural. From a picture of the past 5000 years in scripture, clear through the primary messages given in the Gospels and Revelation, it is very evident that many people will follow the path of the prince of this world and forsake the ways of God the Creator. There are a myriad of reasons and logical choices that people will utilize to refute the existence, and highlight the stupidity or nonsense, that is included in this Christian faith. Even from one denominational belief to another, attacks will be made that make the church less appealing to the people watching the fight. Don’t get mad, it too is in the scriptures. Remember the parable of the Tares and the Wheat. The tares were not removed until the end and those tares are evil seeds from brith to death that fit in with the majority of the church while being some of the unsaveable people of this world! In regards to the end times, Jesus Himself stated that the path to God is narrow and few will find it, but that the other path will be found by the majority and it leads to directly to Hel and away from God. The Book of Daniel states that the anti-christ, or the son of perdition, will be granted for a time, the ability to have power and authority over the saints of God and will be given the right to kill them! The world will rejoice at the death of these believers and even the deceived churches will be helping with and celebrating these deaths. Jesus states that if He did not cut the time short that this end times rise of violence would potentially be the end of all Gods people. This means that the majority will not be with God in the end… This is just something to think about. One thing that I preach often is that our relationship with God better be something that has been baptized in fire and the Holy Spirit. Your water baptism is ceremonial, and though somewhat important, it will not save you from anything! However, the baptism of fire will temper you and help you to become the submissive warrior of God you are called to be, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit is far more than just a good feeling, but the the literal presence of God living in and around you constantly. There is absolutely no other option in the life of a Christian! 

Let me make this very simple. If you are not saved, you absolutely need to give your life to Jesus. He is the sole entity that can open you up to the presence of God. His death was purposeful and willingly done for the purpose of washing away your sins and giving you the opportunity to become part of the family of God. There is no other Way, there is no other option, and you are not saved, nor is your favorite grandma, or best friend, or spouse, if they have not committed their lives in faith to Jesus Christ. When you go to a funeral of someone whom you cared very deeply for, they are not in Heaven with Jesus because you were fond of them or they were kind. If they are in Heaven with Jesus it is because they were submitted in faith to Jesus and claimed Him as Lord in mouth and in action! Your fondness of them has no bearing whatsoever on where they ended up. This is the most important place in all of Christianity and Judaism. You are not saved from Hell and separation from God, nor can you be any other way except through Jesus! This is non-negotiable and I have no say whatsoever in it other than to teach it and follow it as He has shown me. After that decision there will be earth shattering changes in your life to come. Many of you will need deliverance from a demonic past and demonic entities in your life. All will be challenged, and all will get beat up a bit... and it is worth every minute of it! Some will even be challenged to determine if they love their so called ministry more than they actually love God. You will find why 12 step processes and the current American methods of Gospel delivery do not work, and will lead more people to Hell than the other way around. 100% of the most sincere and true believers I have ever met have had encounters with the presence of God that has never left them. They have felt His hand, or heard His voice, and the love from that encounter has forever rearranged their lives. Once you truly believe that He is real, on your own, and without the support from others, you can begin the most beautiful part of your transformation as a child of the Most High God! 

Men, you will be men and you will not follow the lead of your wife or cater to her every whim or manipulation. You will stand upright and lead with her at your side, she will not be in front, nor will she be in the back, but she will be by your side fighting along with you. But that may take many years to accomplish and you will absolutely be tested to determine if you love her or God more. Men, you will be known as men because of what you do and who you are, but you will also have a penis and testicles, or would have had there been no unfortunate circumstance to have had them removed! Women, you will not have a man who is swayed by manipulation or your emotions, and yet He will love you and care for you, but not the way that has been generally taught in our culture. You have a job to do that men can not do and regardless of the satanic attacks on gender and sexuality, the reality of how it was created does not change because the culture is rebelling against the God who set the mark. You will have been designed to carry babies from conception to birth, you will have the parts that are required to sustain that life, and should there be an unfortunate reason that some or all of these parts have been broken or removed, you are still a woman.  

I am constantly brought back to the description of sin and love that God showed me a while back. I apologize for the fact that I have written this out multiple times, even in previous blog posts, but here it is again…

If you have known someone with addiction issues, specifically for this parable, an addiction to methamphetamines, then you know what it does to their lives. I have seen beautiful and healthy people begin the process and within only a couple years I have seen them rotten and dying from the use of the substance. They rob, lie, cheat, and steal in order to get something that is valuable enough to buy more meth. They often believe that it is the only thing that will make them happy and fulfill their lust for whatever it is they seem to be missing. It owns and controls their life and they will continue its use even to the point at which they are skin and bones, losing teeth, and watching their skin basically rot off of their body. And my question is this… If you truly love this person and want to see them healthy and safe, to what lengths would you go to help them? Would you be willing to sacrifice your friendship if you thought that they could get the help they needed to fulfill their emptiness and find a place of true peace and health that didn’t rely on crystal meth? What if they asked you for more meth? Would it be more loving to supply it to them because they felt it would make them feel better, or would it be more loving to cut off their ability to get more? My guess, especially if you have actually known a loved one in this condition is that you would risk everything in regards to your friendship just to help them find something that would truly save them from the awful outcome of their addiction. God showed me that sin is literally doing the exact same thing to His children and this is why He hates it so much. He knows what you were created to do, and He knows that your gift can help others and it literally took His life to provide you the help that you need, but just like the addict, you have to come on your own accord for the true fix, forcing it rarely works. 

We just celebrated the Holiday of Passover, many Christians call this time period Easter, which is stupid because it is not in scripture except at one passage in Acts 4:12 where they placed the word Easter over the term Pascha, which is Passover. Jesus is the Passover Lamb that was selected by God Himself. Jesus is the atonement. Jesus is the final and last sacrifice that is needed and the only one that actually works. In the Holy place, Jesus is the Bread, Jesus Is the Light, and Jesus is our Mediator (prayers/incense) to what lies beyond the next curtain. It was His blood that was dripped on the Mercy Seat in the Holiest place, and it is due to Him that we can enter the Holy of Holies and meet directly with the most sensitive part of the Godhead, His Spirit! If we choose not to do that He will honor it, but just think of what you are missing! Come to Jesus, bow at His feet, and rise up in the power and authority that He has wanted you to walk in from day one! God is great, live like you believe it!    


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