Are You a Victim?


I have posted this video before, I like its message. I don't really enjoy Penn Jillette, the man in this video, very much, but this message should be heard by all who claim they believe in Christ. At the end of this message I will put another video from him. Make sure you watch it to the end, because what he says there is correct as well, and fits most people that I know who claim Christ. Enjoy....

God has done a good job redirecting my heart and mind over the past year. Oddly enough He is a great Father, as well as a King deserving of my respect and honor. This has taken a lot of years to hone in on, and I feel that I am not there yet… but, I am where I am and that is much better than where I used to be. I titled this, “Are You a Victim?” And I am going to come out fairly clear on a few things. We all have a past, and it has clearly affected who we are today. Every moment of love, hate, anger, abuse, failure, and success has shaped a part of who we are now. Without Christ it has opened our ears to demons and the junk that they teach. For many, it has opened doors that allow the approved passage of dark spiritual forces in and out of our lives. At times we have become so comfortable with them that we don’t even see a problem with their presence. This is a major problem! Most who claim to

I have heard thousands of personal testimonies. I have no reason to doubt most of them. I have met people who have endured some very heinous things and suffered greatly from them. I have heard stories from those who have lost friends and family to suicide. I have spoken with people who have literally lost spouses and kids all at once. I have held the bodies of hundreds of deaths that were premature including that of my own daughter. I have cried my eyes out reading the DC Talk Book of Martyrs, and even just the other day I cried some more reading the news about a family whose daughter died in a home accident, and another that was murdered. This list goes on and its not going to get any better until the return of the Messiah! To add to this list the Satanic Theological Doctrines of Communism/Socialism is becoming the primary love of the worlds power structures. This doctrine is literally the antithesis of the will of Jesus Christ in everything, and it is done very creatively! Society is against biblical marriage, biblical sexual activity, and it is against the construct of gender roles for the purpose of thriving as we were created to do. There is an attack to create division amongst every class that can be created no matter how ridiculous. There is an attack against men and the job that has been assigned to them as well as against women and their job. I could literally write a book on the thousands of unholy business that is taking place but you can find a thousand of those sob stories on Audible or Amazon if you are in to that stuff. All it seems to be doing is fostering the mindset and attitude that Satan uses best. The victim! Poor me… I was, or am, and addict… I am persecuted because I am gay, black, white, short, tall, male, female, or furry. Poor me, I was molested, raped, beaten, lied too, or cheated on. I enlisted in the military and became an operator then I saw death and was scared, I held the body of my friend, and saw things that no man should ever see. I got a job as a police officer, or a firefighter, and have held dead bodies and dealt with the emotional stress of a difficult job. This list never freaking ends!!! Do not take my description as this stuff is somehow easy to come to terms with, sometimes it is freaking hard! We tend to make it harder by allowing that stuff to overwhelm us so that we deal with it in ways that help it to finish us off. We drink alcohol, we look for sex, we watch porn, or completely engage in video games. We sin because the quest feels good and then leaves us worse off than we were in the beginning and the more we do it the more we dig deeper and deeper. Its like Satan himself offered the demons that work for him collars that they can place on us the more we obey them. Eventually we feel naked without the collar and a leash and we justify it all by our victim status. We build walls that prevent the help we need from entering by only dealing with people who have the same issues (familiar spirits), or setting a rule that unless you have an understanding of walking in my shoes you have no business telling me anything.

I’ll be honest with you here… Your fix is the Holy Spirit and nothing else. I am disliked by many for this statement that God Himself taught me… Your 12 step process may have helped you get clean from whatever your addiction was/is, but it has not led you to the presence of God that will actually heal you. The difference between an addict before getting “clean” and after is that they will enter through the gates of Hell addicted to ????, or they will enter addicted to their new 12 step philosophy. Either way, Hell is the end result. There are some who make this look incorrect because they are genuinely saved after this process. This did not come from the 12 step process but from a direct encounter with the Holy Ghost and becoming sincerely Born Again through Jesus Christ. There is no 3 point sermon, there is no religious law, or governmental law, that will make you right with God, nor do you ask Jesus to come with you and hope that He will just bless the direction you want to go. You are called by the Spirit and He calls many, but very few will accept the calling. The result is submission to Him. He is asking you to be His bride and surrender to His Kingship and Authority. When you agree to this sincerely He will make you a place where the Holy Spirit will dwell. This will take you out of your comfort zone 100% of the time as well as rewire your thought process. God does not conform to us, we must conform to Him, and once you accept His offer to be adopted as His child, play by His rules, and go where He decides, you no longer have the ability to be “the victim”! You may still be carrying demonic oppressors or visitors from your past, but you now have the avenue to change this in a permanent and holy way. OUTSIDE OF JESUS CHRIST YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY CHANCE OF REAL AND TRUE HEALING OR DELIVERANCE FROM DEMONS! NONE!!! 

I am making this statement because people need to recognize that their church cannot save them, nor can a sermon, nor can a 12 step program, nor can any man, or woman, or philosophy, law, or food. The only Way to be saved is through Jesus Christ! There is no other door that one can use to enter in to the presence of God! Do not be fooled! Just because you believe in a Christian philosophy, or were raised in a Christian church by no means makes you a Christian. Just because you are fond of someone when they die does not in any way mean they are going to a better place or will see their past loved ones! If they were not saved by the blood of Jesus they will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. They will get what they wanted during their life, a place without God interfering with everything. That place is called Hell. In scripture was also called Gehenna, which is where the trash was dumped and then burned continuously. Its not a romantic place where the tough and rebellious go to hang out. Its simply complete separation from God, a place where Light, Love, and Life do not exist. You are not a victim! But that does not mean that I do not care. It means that you need to give it ALL to the Holy Ghost!

