The Question
I just had a question asked of me by my mom. This question was spurred by the recent shooting in Boulder, Colorado where 10 people unfortunately lost their lives, and with them hopefully an 11th—if justice is served correctly. What I mean by this is the shooter, if proven beyond the shadow of a doubt to be guilty, should experience some form of capital punishment for committing murder. The act of murder matters; his specific motivations have no bearing on anything, nor does his weapon of choice. I do not care what his religion is, what his race or ethnicity is, nor should the type of weapon he used matter. He committed murder. Most reasonably tough men could kill ten people with a hammer, a knife, a car, a bomb, or a gun. The weapon does not matter.
The question was “What do you think of President Biden’s plan to get rid of ‘assault weapons’?” Lately I have been frustrated by my mom for the sake that she seems to be getting all of her education from the local news sources. I hold very differing opinions from those sources as do many other Americans (as evidenced by the overwhelming number of voters turning out for Donald Trump when the mainstream news sources stated that he was the worst and most evil president of all time). It seems at least 70+ million Americans felt otherwise. Instead of America’s media trying to find out why the discrepancy, they just jumped to the statement that 70 million Americans are just racist, evil people. My opinion of Biden’s gun control proposal is that he is going start a war with his teleprompted rhetoric and lack of understanding of weapons in general. My statement is evidenced by many past videos of Biden speaking on weapons and defense in ways that are absolutely ridiculous. Most of the left leaning leaders have little to no knowledge or experience with any type of weapon especially these so called “assault weapons.”
Before I continue, let’s discuss the name “assault weapon.” There is NO SUCH THING! Assault is the legal term for a threat against another person. If I tell my neighbor I am going to beat him up if he looks at me, I have committed assault. In this case my mouth was the “assault weapon.” By definition, weapons of any kind, from my mouth and fists, to a knife, to a gun, to a tank, to an ICBM is an “assault weapon.” They are items that have the potential to be utilized as weapons for defense of the person or the people in need of that defense. A baseball bat is used to hit a baseball out of the park, however it is also a great tool to smash the head of an attacker if that is all you have available to defend yourself. These items are defense weapons when needed, and though they can be utilized for offense, they are there for defense, even the ICBM. Some weapons have an unlimited amount of times they can kill some have a limited number due to magazine volume restrictions, i.e. knives and bats do not need to be reloaded. There is truly no such thing as an “assault weapon” but the term is utilized to make the gun sound much more aggressive and mean. This is a tactic utilized when reaching out to an emotionally charged crowd after and emotionally charged situation with the intent of trying to accomplish a goal by manipulating emotion. You can witness this tactic all over the place and it works because emotional people often are willing to make less logical decisions.
In my mom’s defense, she does not feel all weapons should be made illegal but sees absolutely no reason why anybody should have an “assault weapon.” This is due to her lack of understanding of the 2nd amendment and the emotional teaching she receives from the ridiculous news sources in Oregon where she lives. The answer is simple but most do not understand it nor do they believe that our government has anything but good intentions in how it rules/cares for its people. History says otherwise, and the direction we are traveling unfortunately matches up with many other nations who controlled their subjects in ways that removed their freedoms and placed them in full control of the governments they lived under. “That will never happen here!” or “You are just a conspiracy theorist!” Is often thrown my way when I speak like this, but lets just make some comparisons…
We like freedom. If I create more laws, does that create more or less freedom? Bad guys will not follow the rules anyhow, and occasionally there are times for the good guys to not follow them as well. I have always been taught that the government has my best interest in mind. I have learned through many years of working for the government that is often not the case. Ultimately, nearly every government agency wants to control you as far as it pertains to their part in the process. The IRS takes your money through fines, threats, and eventually with jail or violence. The health department this year has proven their desire to have enough control to mandate you to follow their rules in the face of a “pandemic” by threat of fines and violence if you do not comply. They do it by tapping into your emotional side, stating you are killing off the elderly if you disobey and backing it with “science” that does not exist. Beware, there is far worse to come if we do not make a stand, or maybe by the grace of God He steps in to change the direction we are going. The state has placed a chokehold on small business and those independently run by holding their “license to practice.” When the governor makes a wide sweeping emotional and unscientific rule that must be followed, and one of these business' choose not to follow the state takes their license away thus removing their legal method of providing for their family. They now have two options, live illegally to survive, or comply and become completely reliant upon the government…which is what the government ultimately seems to desire. It is much easier to manage the populous if you rely on that manager for your survival. This is happening on the largest scale I have ever seen in my lifetime as I write this (3/25/21).
The statistics are ridiculous in the cities and regions that have the strictest gun laws. Where guns are the most regulated, there is exponentially more gun violence. Much of this violence is committed by people who were not legal to own guns in the first place. It is not the gun committing the violence—it is the people. The other statistic that is being hidden is the extreme drop in mass killings. The problem is the current media seems to have an agenda. That agenda is generally socialist and therefore the tragedies we experience will be milked and manipulated for all their plans. As this shooting occurred, I knew what the next day was going to look like and—just as I thought—they rose to the occasion to manipulate you once again.
I find the reporting of tragedy over the past year to be a good example. When a white man kills, he is evil because he is white. When a black man kills he is the victim of white culture and systemic racism. In the case of this recent shooting, the man was a muslim. Literally the first description of him I heard on the news, without knowing anything about him or his motives, described him as a man who had most likely been picked on by people who disliked muslims in America and they drove him to do this. If you do not see the slanting of the news and social media giants, you are blind and part of the problem! I am not saying this to make whitey a victim, but to point out that there is a war taking place right now. That war is causing division that does not need to exist. The overwhelming message that is broadcast in public schools and universities is that we need to dislike another because of their skin color or belief system. This is stupid! But… It’s working. I am developing dislikes for people that I have never had in my life simply because I am being told regularly that I am a racist. I am told that no matter what I do, I will be privileged because of who I am and how I grew up. I am being taught ideologies that are being forced on me even when I absolutely deny that they are accurate.
Nations that want full control over the ideology have always taken away the sting of the ability of its inhabitants to defend themselves by minimizing their ability to have weapons that make them more difficult to control. The English took the right of the Scottish to own weapons; they even outlawed the bagpipes they used for inspiration. This was to make a tough and strong people weak enough to rule. If the United States wants to fully manage the lives of its citizens to the point of complete control it will be MUCH easier if they do not have 300 million weapons hiding in the homes of those who they want to rob and control. The African tribe that fought other tribes to supply the slave trade overcame the tribes with weapons and strength, disarming the captured enemy to make them easier to march to the shores and be sold to the Dutch. We can write volumes of historical examples of the best ways to control people. Nearly every single example removes the ability to have any kind of freedom from the subjects. No weapons, no ownership, and limited choices are always the beginning!
There is a very large group of us who love the concepts of the United States Constitution. It was designed to prevent another monarchy like England that forced its will on whomever it could or already had conquered. This document recognized the need for laws and leadership but also clearly recognized the need for enough checks and balances that the power was divided in such a way that it would take a lot of work to corrupt the whole nation. This was done by providing freedom to the people along with moral expectations to manage and sustain that freedom. Part of that ability to sustain freedom is the 2nd amendment. This amendment secures the right of a legal citizen to have weapons designed for the purpose of personal defense from anything they need to defend themselves from. If I am attacked by a bear, I have the right to have a weapon good enough to keep me and mine alive. If I am attacked by a foreign enemy, I have the right to kill them before they kill me and mine. If my government decides to walk away from the US Constitution and try full on socialism/communism, I have the right and responsibility to defend that constitution and the republic it has created. This responsibility is much more plausible if I have weapons that are as good or better than those who are trying to remove those rights from me. Here is what is fascinating: by defending this document, we also protect the rights and freedoms of those who like and support communism. The beauty is those who generally like that concept are free to create their own communes to do that in if they want in a free capitalist society. It does not work the other way around. You have to steal private property and personal wages from the “free” man in order to run a socialist nation. You have to surrender your freedom 100% to the cause of the socialist or you will have to be removed or reeducated. There is no alternative to this. Simply put, if I make $1000 the socialist must force me to give 60% or more to support their machine. This is forced, not suggested.
I highly suggest reading The Naked Communist as the author goes into great detail about this subject and its history. I believe this book to be very valuable.
We are in an active war for our rights and freedoms right now. If you do not believe this, you are what is known as a “useful idiot” by the definition of Karl Marx. This means that you are one who may mean well and truly care for your fellow man and the freedoms we have, but due to your unwillingness to look into the motivations behind what is going on, you are actually helping the cause of those trying to control us. You may hate the thought of 10 people gunned down in a store and feel that if we could just eliminate these kinds of weapons we could prevent this kind of tragedy from happening. You then support the removal of this right to carry or own these weapons and by doing so you help the cause that is ridding us of the ability to protect our freedom from an enemy within. I want you to be free to not own a weapon if you do not like them or are afraid of them. I also want my freedom to own and utilize any weapon that our military or the military of my enemy owns so that I can better defend my castle and my neighbor. Do you honestly believe that the bad guy will not have aggressive weapons even if they are illegal? Remember prohibition? Did that stop the production of alcohol? No, as a matter of fact it created greater strength for the Mafia, and added corruption to our system that grew like wildfire. All you will do by making good defense weapons illegal is provide a greater edge for the enemy of society. You may also reach a point that will face the decision to have a civil war against those trying to disarm us. I pray to God that is never the case!!!
I will end this with one last thought… I do not believe in any way that we will ultimately stop this red wave of beliefs that are coming through our country by simple use of force. That is their tactic. They are using manipulative force to drive this. We will win this battle by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We need to make a true biblical stand as was done by the great men and women whose testimony is clearly written in the Bible. The greats were lovers of God, but they were also not weak people. Abraham strove for peace, but in an instant went to war when that time was necessary. Moses led God’s people through strength in the Holy Spirit but also disciplined sin as it crept in to the camp of people. Joshua and Caleb were men who trusted God and led multiple military campaigns to lead God’s people to the promised land. Then there was Gideon and Samson who were far from weak in their Christian stance. Yes their stance was Christian all the same as they spoke face to face with Christ the Angel of God. Elijah mocked the prophets of Baal and followed it up with their slaughter after God made His power clear. Samuel is by far my favorite of the men in the Old Testament of the Bible. He was a man dedicated to God. He was a strong and masculine man who seemed to show little fear in the face of the people because he loved and trusted God. David was a warrior. And the list goes on… The answer to our problem is not fighting in politics, though we must be involved, but it is delivering the Gospel message with the Power and Fire from the Holy Spirit. That being said, come to harm my family and I may put a bullet, or multiple bullets in your face or your heart as the consequence of your poor decision.
“Two to the chest, face gets the rest.”
Quote Unknown