Some Shady Stuff!

I chose this only because I had it on my computer to send to my wife. My son is going through a phase right now where he is going to be a pirate. I told Haley we need to find a real doctor so we can begin the process now. I mean, he is almost 4 and knows that his destiny is piracy. Of course we are mocking the evens in this world as we make the comments, its because we both generally feel like we are living in the twilight zone and this moving that is playing is really crazy, yet we are stuck in the middle somehow and must learn to navigate from the Holy Ghost!

Our entrance into Afghanistan was just as evil and untrue about its intents as our exit from the same place was so botched and seemingly full of lies that I do not trust the governments actions in any way. There were no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and we treated people like animals killing and torturing potentially up in to the millions for what? I have no reason to trust that the attacks on 9/11 were anything but set up in order to garnish support to enter the Middle East as combatants for the next 22+ years as well as a reason to bolster an agency of control called the TSA! I would be fine with a legitimate reason to be there and my statement is definitely not an attack on the soldiers themselves, the majority are people whom I love and respect. Even if it was truly humanitarian effort to eliminate the fascists from power and help acquire some aspect of a free life for the people to function I could stand by it, but it seems that our wars are always deeply political in nature and it seems that we have allowed the functioning of the American Soldier to be grossly inefficient like nearly every other government entity out there due to red tape and politically correct ideals! And this comes from a man who absolutely supports a large and extremely strong military force.

We have given multiple billions of dollars to the Ukraine! The Ukrainian government is as evil as the Russian government, if not more so. They also have some very shady deals going on with our current presidents family that seem to go way back with a lot of $$$ attached. The Ukrainian president is a showman, with very anti-christ ideals, and I can’t help but think there is far more to this event than meets the eye and the media cannot be trusted as the factual sources of what is going on in the world. On top of that we are once again furnishing a country with weapons to fight against Russia and then getting angry that it somehow pisses Russia off. The United States has a habit of being a neighborhood bully and forcing our way on nations that we have no right telling what to do. Our pride will be our downfall! That, and all the other major demonic issues that are rapidly growing in stature these days.

Let me ask you this… If you were at war with a faction that you truly believed was the basic human equivalent to Satan himself, how willing would you be to fight that faction to its death if it were possible? A semi-modern example from human history could be any of the previous socialist or communist leaders that killed hundreds of millions of subordinates in the past 100 years. We all like to use Hitler because that part of WWII was taught loudly in our public schools. If you were granted the ability to time travel and were given the option to go back and eliminate Adolf Hitler as a young man, would you do it? Would it be “righteous” and “morally correct” to do so knowing the multiple millions of people you would likely save by your action? I think many would say yes unless they understood that God is truly in control. So, if the left believe that the right are the literal equivalent of the NAZI’s, or are generally operatives for Satan himself, are they wrong for believing that they should step in and save the day even if its a violation of the constitution? I ask this because I feel that many on the far left believe their stance to be so right that the elimination of the strongest opposition may make the most sense and be the morally right thing to do in their belief system. I mean as a very conservative individual I strongly support the right to own any weapon that I can buy. I support this idea because I feel that if they limit and restrict this right that we would actually be upholding the US Constitution by defending the right of the citizen to not be ruled by a fascist government! I support this as much as the right of free speech that is protected by this same document. Outside of that agreement we will absolutely lose this right to speech and it will become very, I mean VERY detrimental to our society. When we can legislate what is ok and what is not ok to say, short of a very few and necessary rules, we are doomed as a nation. This is because that will lead to the government determining what can and cannot be said, which is very scary! Its absolutely taking place now, as is a major frontal attack on weapons, and even the foods you can and cannot eat. Please do not forget the mass hysterical fear that divided us regarding an experimental vaccine. Read the books 1984 and Fahrenheit 451. They seem to do a pretty good job explaining this concept.

If a transvestite male approaches my 4 year old son, I will teach my son to be polite and yet keep his distance. I will also teach him that this is a mental disorder that our government and society is helping to perpetuate and it will likely lead to the complete destruction of this confused males life and end any remaining healthy relationships he may have. I can do this and still treat the person as a human that is hopefully loved by God. However, if I see that person touching my son, or teaching my son life lessons, I will even more quickly become involved in the interaction and deal with it appropriately based on the circumstances at hand. Just FYI, I don’t simply let anyone whatsoever teach my son, or have physical contact with my son for any general reason unless it passes the standards that my wife and I have determined to be biblically correct standards of conduct. These standards come to my wife and I from God Himself, so I am satisfied and completely ok with enforcing them.

Our government has allowed illegal riots in the streets that came from emotional responses to just about everything. From conservative speakers being attacked and very little being done about it, such as people like Riley Gaines who is simply angry that a male individual who believes he is a female can race in a women’s swimming event. What happened to her, she gets attacked by a transvestite male for speaking against the trans invasion of sports. Oddly enough, men, who are equally trained tend to be faster and stronger than most women at just about anything they do. It seems in our culture as of late that men are now even better than women at being women…they are at least praised for what they are doing by a sick enabling society. Yet, if someone wants to peacefully protest it is often deemed as evil by left leaning media. BLM can destroy a city and crush black businesses within that community, but this is just an understandable expression of their frustration against a society that is inherently racist, right?

I have never in almost 48 years of life felt that I should treat someone different based on skin color, yet now, almost 48 years in to it, I am so regularly being told what a POS I am by nearly every victimized group out there that I am simply developing an internal distaste for those groups. It will only be because of my God, Jesus, that I will be able to find the strength to do the right thing and still love those who actively state they are my enemy simply because I am a white Christian male. The difference between me and them in this case is that I do not see myself as a victim. Not even with the undeserved and unprovoked hatred that is spewed my way. I see my opportunity as a blessing from God to learn from. You see, I truly am a privileged individual, not because of my skin color like the media and other American victims would suggest, but because I am a Born Again believer that has been baptized through fire, and in the Holy Spirit. This makes me a son of the Most High God and that alone makes me very privileged no matter what the outcome is.

This is just a letter allowing me to vent a little bit… I am very concerned about the future of our country and the levels of demonic activity that I am seeing in our people. There is a rising tide of very militant satanic doctrines of old. These doctrines can be traced way back to the fall of the Watcher Angels that occurred pre-global-flood, this is not new! They came to man and taught rebellion against God and it stuck. From that point on it has always been meant to sound good, but has always been utilized to steer people away from life, both figuratively and literally. Once a people  believe themselves to be in charge then humanities nature will always find a foot hold and that always leads to death and destruction. Only Jesus brings peace amongst His own, and His peace doesn’t always match ours. When a people find that they have a King, and that King Jesus is all we need, then a loving and thriving society of people will develop. That people will provide human freedom and work to preserve the natural world as pristine as possible. They will combat the elements that violate their goals, but they can do it without violence. Violence only becomes acceptable and necessary when evil is allowed to flourish.

Find Jesus Christ. Ask Him about the value of His blood. Literally the most valuable physical substance to have ever been placed on this Earth was and is the blood of Jesus the Messiah! This limited quantity of blood is able to purchase the souls of every single individual that places their sincere submission and faith into Jesus Christ from their current and very evil slave owner whom we call Satan. And yes, Satan owns you if you do not give your life to Jesus and come with the willingness to live His way. YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN TO BE SAVED and this is more than just a thought or a good feeling. This is a life changing event! Come to Jesus! He is absolutely real as real can be!     


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