The Two Headed Snake

Sometimes we are not given the authority to kill the serpent. We often feel empowered as Christians that we will have the ability to just walk up to Satan and tell him what to do and he will have to listen. Legally, that may be the case, but then again he absolutely has to listen to God and is still rebelling from Him. Do you honestly think that Satan will just simply turn and run from you? It will be a fight and that's ok. Use the tools God gives you, be wise and crafty, and walk in power! God will take care of the rest!

God once showed me many many years ago that the two major political parties in the United States of America, the Democrats and the Republicans, are simply a two headed snake. I have written this on blog posts many times. This is not a new thought or lesson. It just seems that every now and then things take place that remind me of this lesson. In this case it's the Tucker Carlson situation on Fox News. Well, I will now permanently boycott Fox, which won't be all that difficult since the only reason I watched Fox was that I had been lured there by Tucker. I was impressed by his Jan 6 reports among a few others. When they reported on the January 6th situation I told the people around me that Tuckers time was now limited as this would be his downfall. There are many that belong to the Democratic Party that love the Constitution and the United States, and there are many in the Republican Party that do as well. That being said the majorities of the two parties work for Hell and have literally become the socialist leaders of the States of America. When people like Bill Maher sound almost like conservatives when compared to the left something is up.

I will say something that will generally make people think I am a whack nut anyhow, but there is a simple thought to this whole situation. The Great Christian Conspiracy, my new name for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, states that Satan is mad and in rebellion against God, a war in Heaven took place, and we are pawns mixed in to this war. Near the end of the war the world will be solely against God and Gods people. Those that are not with God will not be a threat and will ultimately become part of the armies of the Anti-Christ. If your buddy holds the same opinions that you do now, enjoy it while you can, because he will follow his leader to Hell with his ideas unless he switches to the King of kings as his authority. I say this because I live in a very conservative area. I like that, but in reality many of the "conservatives" hate God as much, if not more than the rest of the world. At some point, with the squeezing that God will allow to take place it will result in the failure of those "conservatives" that we often think must be Christians to stand by the philosophies of the Bible. It is why many churches and church going people will kill you thinking they are doing a service to God in the process. UNLESS YOU ARE SOLD, ADOPTED, AND BIRTHED INTO THE FAMILY OF THE GOD OF THE BIBLE YOU ARE NOT HIS! You will not stand for good, you will not follow His ways and you will help those you feel that you currently hate kill the ones that God loves. The only saving grace in the process is that as the church we must do our part to answer Gods call in leading people to Him. He created the process and it requires us to be part of it, so be part of it.

This place has become a land that loves and propagates and protects sin all the while trying to suppress and kill the The Great Christian Conspiracy. They will bring real freedom to the people and eliminate the Holy Place of God. The problem is that this time you can't just burn the synagogues, or churches... The Holiest Place is inside those who believe. To eliminate that place we must be killed, even imprisoning someone filled with the Holy Ghost is too dangerous. Just one person filled with the Spirit of God can completely change a Satanic outcome.

Fox News, get bent!

CRT can get bent!

The "sexual revolution" and the gender confusion in our nation can get bent!

The public school system! You guessed it... can get bent!

I absolutely pray for Spirit Filled leaders, media, and street people to walk powerfully through this time. We need bold and courageous men and women of faith to show us that its worth it. This should be an interesting few years. Keep an eye on the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple, keep an eye on Chrislam, and watch Socialism and worldly connections grow in ways we couldn't have imagined. We are living in whacky times, but it is also an environment that the true church of power thrives in! Lets be part of that!   


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